<p>Hey, so I know a bunch of people that are on here (semi) regularly got in ED! Yay! I was just wondering if anybody’s heard much from Bates since then? I’ve gotten a letter saying they’ve received my agreement of admissions, but otherwise, nothing. Most of my friends who got in to colleges ED or EA have all gotten stuff from the colleges…should I call Bates, or is this normal?</p>
<p>You applied ED II? If yes, Feb hasn’t even started yet. I’d reckon you wait a little. I’m sure Bates will send you a snail mail.</p>
<p>But if you’re too anxious about it, just call the admissions office.</p>
<p>no…haha, I applied ED I, and got in. but since I recieved a letter saying Bates had gotten my enrollment deposit, I haven’t heard anything else. Is that normal?</p>
<p>Ohhh, no idea then!</p>
<p>i did ED 1 too. thats all ive gotten. one of the letters (i think the acceptance one) says they’ll send more stuff in the spring…</p>