<p>i wonder if they’ll tell you if you have been rejected, or your application just hasn’t been evaluated yet…</p>
<p>I’m going to call tomorrow. I called just a couple hours ago, because I got out of work. But I was too late. I’ll post when I get some news. I’ll try and call admissions, however, I’m going to call the Architecture Dept first, because that is my major.</p>
<p>okay, let me know what happens. I’ll probably do the same thing if they give you a straight answer- i hate waiting!</p>
<p>well, i don’t mind getting rejected (it’s a hard school to get into for Architecture transfers), I can’t stand the waiting I have to know when notices will come out for me.</p>
<p>does anyone know if there selecting based the time you applied, or major, or just picking you out of a hat with other applicants and comparing? Might sound like a stupid question but no one truly knows how they base there decision.</p>
<p>It’s a legitimate question. It’s by major. You’re app goes through general admission first, if you meet the core requirements, then your app is passed to the dept of your major. From there, the dept deliberates and decides who to let in. I am in Architecture, the most competitive (imo), and I plan to hear from them last. Transfers for Civil Engineering are getting admission emails (the video), I know this because one of my friends got accepted this this morning. It’s by major.</p>
<p>yeah my friend and i are both civil engineering majors, and he got his acceptance video last night, and i haven’t gotten anything yet. 3 of my other friends are mechanical engineers and haven’t heard from them, but one of them is an international student so of course he’ll hear from them in a while. So I’m guessing it takes a few days? im guessing i should hear from them in a few days at least since im civil right?</p>
<p>Well, my friend that go in has all of the classes (statics, dynamics, materials engineering). Are you a transfer? Did you look at the transfer requirements on assist.org? If you didn’t get accepted right away, you probably might here from SLO soon. Or, you might be in a pool of potentials. No sweat, if you took the same courses as your friend, got similar grades, and had similar ECs, then you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>Trust me, if you were in Architecture (who eventually get paid less! btw), then you would have to stress. I’m stressing and I have everything but work-related experience.</p>
<p>yeah im a transfer, and yes i’ve taken everything they’ve asked for you to take, plus more, i’ve taken the desired amount of unites instead of the required. His GPA is better than mine, but i mean as i said i’ve taken everything required, especially statics, materials, stuff like that, work more than 25 hours a week, participate in over 1-5 hours of extra curricular activities so I hope i have a shot. Funny as it may sound, I use to be an architect major but switched to civil due to the college i was going to not having a structured outline for architecture classes.</p>
<p>ah ic. I just called SLO a minute ago. The departments actually do not admit you, that is my mistake. The school will choose to admit you. But in my case, the dept will place me in a corresponding design level. I do not believe this applies to you all. Admission phonelines do not open until noon; my guess is that they have to sort out all of the applications, and they don’t want to have to be answering calls every two minutes from the likes of me. I’ll call in three hours and tell you all what’s going down. Hold on to your seats for the next couple weeks.</p>
<p>yeah defiently let me know what you hear, like i said ever since i found out my friend got accepted, the nerves just hit me and never thought id feel this way, its a good feeling though none the less.</p>
<p>well, as long as they didn’t show you the acceptance video, which my friend did. That actually did excite me though, because now I know that they are accepting transfers.</p>
<p>yeah, he told me about the video and at first didn’t understand it but when i saw him the next day and told me everything that they did through the email to myportal it excited me. I didn’t expect this to be such a nerve racking experience though.</p>
<p>hey any news yet?</p>
<p>Oh yea, all admissions told me was that people will be admitted in the next couple weeks and they will be finished with this process by mid-March and everyone should hear by 1 April. Surprisingly, they debunked a rumor for me. It has been said that CP Pomona will admit less because of the declining state gov’t, so I assumed that the same applied to SLO. Admissions told me that their decisions are not affected by the economy, which makes me more hopeful. There’s only 80 transfer seats open for my major. I’ll just have to wait patiently.</p>
<p>so all we gotta do is wait and see. I wonder how many transfer seats are opened for civil engineering. Thanks for the into though.</p>
<p>infinityWOLF - </p>
<p>Have they asked for an updated transcript yet? I just got mine in last week for Pomona but nothing from SLO I find it hard to believe they will admit anyone without updated transcripts yet. O ya I heard the number accepted transfers were more like in the mid 20’s last year with word from the dean who came to my CC that “its not going to be any better I’ll tell you that much”. Around a 3.6 if i recall up from 3.4 the previous year for arch.</p>
<p>they ask you to send your official transcripts after you get accepted, infinitywolf wil probably say the same thing since his friend as well as mine both got accepted. The only way they would want to see ur transcript before you get admitted is if your an international student. And if you read his post he called the admissions and they even told him that there’s approximately 50 availabale transfer seats for architecture. Are you a transfer student as well vballplayer?</p>
<p>yea, there’s roughly 80. It fluctuates by year, last year it 78 transfers got in (I’ll have to find the site so you can verify the stats). The year before it was upwards of 80. It’s understandable why it’s so low, people need to take studio and the instructors at my JC usually can’t handle critiquing more that 18-20 students in each class.</p>
<p>Another architecture friend of mine has a relative that works at CP Pomona, and she told me that they are cutting admissions because of the state economy. So when I called CP SLO, I asked if their admissions will be cut because of the economic situation. The lady assured me that admissions will not be affected.</p>
<p>Nonetheless, the stats from the site says 912 transfers from 34000 applicants, that’s roughly 2.5%. Thanks for those extra stats on GPA, I really hope I get in. I met the Dean of Architecture last year, he liked our Design Village Project the most.</p>
<p>By the way, even if I don’t get in I’ll be up at SLO for the Design Village Competition during the Open House weekend. Come see one of our teams from Southwestern College, we’re coming all the way from San Diego (yay six hour drive!).</p>
<p>im sure you’ll get in infinity wolf, you seem to have strong stats, and ur well above the average transfer GPA it seems for transfer students in architecture. I’m interested though in the statistics page you have come across that shows you the number of available seats for each major. Does it also show how many ppl applied for a specific major?</p>