Has anyone been accepted to these nursing programs?

<p>I'm currently a highschool junior highly interested in nursing. I was wonder if any of you have been accepted or know people accepted into the following school's nursing programs, if so what were your GPA (unweighted or weighted?) and SAT scores Thanks!</p>

<p>Penn State, Pitt, James Madison, Udel, Bloomsburg, temple, NYU</p>

<p>Any information on these schools and nursing is also appreciated!</p>

<p>Last year, DD was accepted to nursing at Pitt, Penn State, UDel, and Bloomsburg. She was ranked in the top 10% of her class, GPA was 3.9 uw / 4.2 w, and she scored 1300 (M+R) on the SAT. She is currently a freshman at Pitt and loving it. She is working harder than she had to in high school, but is doing well.</p>

<p>I would recommend that you prepare over the summer to be ready to apply to to the rolling admissions schools as soon as they start accepting applications. The nursing programs fill up quickly.</p>

<p>That seems like a nice range of schools to apply to. I’d add some more, considering the difficulty of nursing admissions. Pitt, Penn State and U.Del in particular are difficult for nursing admissions, because they have so many applicants. I’d also apply to some less selective colleges, many of which have good programs. Take a look at the Middle Atlantic Nursing School thread for more discussion.</p>

<p>I can’t speak for the other schools seeing as some are 2+2 programs, but I was accepted into Penn State’s direct entry programs. Here are my stats if it’ll help gpa: 3.5 sat: 1200/1900</p>

<p>I was just accepted to Pitt.
My GPA is 4.13
SAT is 28</p>

<p>and I was accepted to the nursing school, which really made me feel good because I understand its difficult to get in. Im hoping to get into the FSU direct entry program also.</p>

<p>hghschjunior congratulations! my family and i attend Pitt open house last month. It was incredible. btw, did you mean ACT = 28?
wonderful news!!</p>

<p>yes, I did mean that my act was 28. And I just received my acceptance letter from Temple with a 30K scholarship.</p>

<p>gees, Im looking at the acceptance to penn state and Im annoyed that I didnt apply…I might have gotten in.</p>

<p>Both my daughters just got into Pitt, university of Vermont and Drexel with a 22K scholarship. They both had a 28 on their ACT’s and a 3.5 and a 3.8 unweighted GPA. they had 16 honor and AP classes since 9th grade and are currently taking 4 college classes in their 12 grade. They had a lot of extra curricular activities and a lot of athletic awards. I think all of those things helped with their decision. They have also applied to Penn, Northeastern and Rutgers, which they are still waiting for replies. But they have already decided on Pitt.</p>

<p>Accepted to Temple, Pitt, and PSU.</p>

<p>SAT: 1970
GPA: 4.2</p>

<p>This is some Info I posted on the University of Delaware CC thread two weeks ago:</p>

<p>From a UD Nursing Dept. Faculty member I was able to find out that for the current freshman nursing class there were over 1400 applications for admission. Approximately 300 students were accepted (about 21% acceptance rate) with the class ending up at 140 students. These 1400 applications included both in-state and OOS applicants (I do not have a breakdown of percentage of in-state verses OOS applicants but the overwhelming majority were OOS applicants). However, UD does appear to give some level of priority to in-state applicants in nursing. The nursing freshman class was comprised of only about 60% of OOS students. Based on this disparity I therefore believe the OOS acceptance rate for nursing admission was well below 20%. These data support the fact that nursing, along with chemical engineering, are the two most competitive majors for admission to UD for OOS applicants (info from admission staff member). Just thought I’d pass this info along.</p>

<p>I forgot about this post! Thanks guys! I ended up applying to: Westchester, bloomsburg, york, Drexel, Quinnipiac, Scranton, TCNJ, NYU, Pitt, U Delaware, and Penn State</p>

<p>So far I’ve been accepted into: WCU, Bloom, York, Drexel, Quinnipiac, Pitt and Penn State main! </p>

<p>My top two choices are definitely PSU and Udel. However I’m thinking about committing to Penn State. Reasons being: I would need to start the roommate/housing process before I even hear from Delaware, and also Delaware is over 10,000 more because I live in PA and I don’t even know if I can get in yet! Would you guys say PSU over UDel is a good choice?</p>

<p>Both PSU and UD have excellent Nursing Programs. There is probably no significent difference in the academic/educational experience you could get at one verses the other. It would therefore make most sense to me that the 10K difference in cost would make PSU the better choice for you at present. Of course you could always accept the PSU admission and then wait until mid March to see if you are accepted to UD with any significant merit scholarship money. If this happens, and the difference in cost is not significant, you could always reassess your decision. People do this all the time. Just my thoughts. Best wishes to you.</p>

<p>Between Penn State and UDel, I agree that it would make sense to wait to make a decision, if you can. Almost every university lets you wait until May 1 until a decision is required.</p>

<p>UDel does offer merit and need based aid to out of state students (many public colleges do not). They also have an honors program. Many people feel that UDel is a more pleasant size than U Park.</p>

<p>Also, remember that Penn State makes nursing students spend a year in Hershey. That is very positive in terms of gaining practical nursing experience at a diverse health care complex (including a new pediatrics hospital). However, some people don’t like being away from their non-nursing college friends for a year. Also, there are not the greatest clinical opportunities near State College - some people end up at state prisons.</p>

<p>Also, if you like attractions found in a major city, it is easy to get from Newark to Phila… You can also take a train to Baltimore, and there are things to do in Wilmington. In comparison, once you are in State College, you are unlikely to leave it.</p>

<p>The clinicals at Hershey was a factor why D1 chose not to attend PSU…i fi were to choose between PSU and Pitt, it would be no contest, Pitt would be the easy choice</p>

<p>I was also just accepted to Univ of Tenn nursing. Im waiting for FSU…should hear this month</p>