Has anyone been awarded an out of state waiver this year?

I thought I’d start a thread just to poll and see if anyone has received a waiver so far? And if so, are any of you not with the Corps or National Merit? I can’t recall seeing even one on here, so I just wonder if it’s even attainable if you’re not Corps or National Merit. And of course, please feel free to include stats if you’d like. It helps those waiting and those planning for next year.

My son has enough scholarships for the waiver. He is a NMF and has been very blessed to have been awarded the Craig and Galen Brown Scholarship. Not all of his scholarships have not shown up in the financial aid portal yet, just the president’s endowment scholarship and the NMF scholarship.

@rosegeo That’s really awesome, and congratulations! Thank you very much for weighing in. The wait is so hard.

As long as all $4000+ scholarship comes from A&M, you’ll more than likely get the waiver

@gogogogobruins I appreciate the vote of confidence and hope you are right! We worry time is running out, but we’re not giving up until he has no choice.

@rvhappynow, there is also an appeals process for scholarships should your scholarship not show up. Since he is so close, it might be an option further down the line. I would keep in contact with Engineering to see if they are done with allocating their scholarships, then jump on the appeal process ASAP. Good luck!

@AGmomx2 I truly don’t know what I would do without this forum. Y’all are amazing with your advice. If we do end up having to go into an appeals process, I might be asking more questions on here, but in the meantime, thanks for the encouragement and support as we wait. Since I found this website in January (sure wish I found it when he was a freshman), I have told all of my friends who have younger kids in high school about it. Plus, I’ve taken lots of notes for myself, because my 7th grade DD will me here before I know it. She is such a sweet girl and told me a couple of weeks ago that she wishes she had been born first so that I could have learned with her and not with her older brother, because she knows he works so hard and wants it more than she’s going to want to. Sweet girl.

@rosegeo did all scholarships show up on the portal yet? We got the Corps scholarship to show up and the waiver applied automatically within 24 hours.

Are they done awarding scholarships at this point?

@GAcollegemom6 I think that they are just now getting to the out of state students as they determine departmental awards? Would you be engineering? Assuming out of state?

Not engineering here, but yes my D is out of state.

My S is OOS and we saw an additional $500 scholarship in the financial portal today. No email or notification, we have just been checking daily. It was the last $500 that he needed for the waiver. I still don’t see an official OOs waiver anywhere though.

@CoMamaof2boys Congratulations! Quite a while back, I was told by financial aid that if you qualify for the waiver, it will show up in your portal. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I saw somewhere that someone posted that it might take a few weeks for that part to show up. So, I’m confused as to when to expect it to show the waiver. Do you happen to know if that scholarship was considered competitive? That might help answer your question. Is your son NMF?

My son’s waiver showed up in his portal a few days after all of his scholarships were posted.

@rvhappynow Have you received enough in scholarship for a waiver yet? I know you have been waiting anxiously. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

@TxSker Not yet, but thank you so much for asking!! Means a lot! Please keep those fingers crossed! And toes!! We haven’t given up hope yet!!!

@rvhappynow he is National Hispanic Scholar- missed NMSF by one question, first child and he almost did not take the PSAT. Anyway, he had $3500 from NRHS We were just waiting, impatiently… we called financial aid and someone told us they would consider scholarships offered by other schools and may be able to offer something competitive. Told us it would be a few weeks and we would either get an email or see it in the portal. It was called the Aggiebound scholarship, which is listed with all other A&M scholarships. I am confident it will count towards OOS tuition waiver, as it was exactly what was needed for OOS Waiver. That scholarship makes the schools who offered him merit scholarships COA within $300 of each other. Waiting for RD schools, but I say, get your undergrad cheap- spend more for Masters or Post Grad.

@CoMamaof2boys Thank you so much for the details! The more info we give each other, the better we can all learn. I would recommend calling the financial aid office tomorrow just to clarify. I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but my son also got the Aggieland Bound Scholarship, and I was told it was not competitive. Boy, do I wish it was. They said Aggieland Bound is nice, extra funding, but not counted toward the waiver, because it is in response to the offer from other schools. I am still learning a lot through all of this, and I am really hoping I’m wrong in your case. They may have different types, so be sure and call! I am rooting for you! This has been really emotional for us as well, and I just want to see all of our kids succeed. Best of luck to you, and keep us posted.

@CoMamaof2boys in addition, if that is the case, don’t give up hope!! Engineering departmental scholarships are being worked on now for OOS students, and we should hear something soon. If $500 is all you need, it just might work out! We’re only $250 away ourselves and praying for the same thing.

@rvhappynow -UGH. why in the world would our request for additional funds to meet the OOS waiver be met with exactly what we need for OOS tuition waiver? This process is beyond emotional. Another morning full of phone calls. Glad I posted. thankful for everyone’s knowledge and willingness to share information.