Has anyone been to orientation yet?

<p>just curious if you have any feedback or hints/suggestions.

<p>We just went last week. Overall is was very productive. At times it felt as if too much was scheduled in too short of time. The Honors College session was scheduled at the same time you were suppose to choose 2 sessions out of 11. Therefore, we missed all the other topics. </p>

<p>Make sure you bring a driver’s license or you won’t be able to get your Catcard. We didn’t read that in any of the information prior to going.</p>

<p>I thought the university put a lot of effort into making it feel welcoming and organized.</p>

<p>I felt it was a bit repetitive. I feel they could’ve made it a single day.</p>

<p>Overall, it was nice. A few scheduled events seemed sort of pointless, but it wasn’t bad.</p>

<p>Bringing a backpack might not be a bad idea.</p>

<p>Get places a bit early, don’t be late. Seating is limited, and for my major-specific presentation, people were sitting in the aisles, as there wasn’t enough seating. (I think there were more parents there than had been expected, as undeclared students/parents were encouraged to go to different presentations, to see the whole spectrum of programs offered)</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. Is there a ‘best’ time to get your Catcard or are the lines manageable?</p>

<p>CatCard lines are pretty manageable. Parents aren’t allowed in with kids when they take the pictures, but most kids seemed to take forever to get in line, so I sneaked in pretty quickly. Have your driver’s license out when you enter, though, because in the time it took me to get it out of my pocket (about half a second), the people in charge pushed me to the back of the three-person line and gave me death glares.</p>

<p>I’d say orientation went horribly, at least for me. My CatCard was never printed, so I had to wait for over an hour in the SUMC for it the second night. I was charged twice for orientation. And… well, those are my two big complaints. It’s badly scheduled for honors kids, as was mentioned above.</p>

<p>For the CatCard, get there earlier in the allotted time bracket. It’s the morning of Day 1. As it got later in the morning, the line got larger and larger, until it started pouring down the staircase. (Whereas when I got mine, there was no line at all!)</p>


<p>Catcard only need for students with drivers license?</p>

<p>All students need a CatCard. It lets you into your dorm/library/rec center/lots of buildings/pay for stuff/borrow books, and a ton of other things. You need some form of ID to pick it up.</p>

<p>I didn’t get mine the first day, so I went in the second day to the CatCard office (it’s in the union next to the Wells Fargo). It took about two minutes.</p>