Has anyone called the admissions office about what are grounds for rescindment?

My first semester senior year grades slipped and I got a D and a C (both in AP classes). I was going to call today but Im in CA and I forgot about the time difference so they closed before I could call.
Do you guys think I could get rescind or lose merit aid?

Bonus question, do we have to submit are intent to enroll before May 1st or on May 1st.

It’s up to the admissions office, but rescinding offers are rare. I think this would depend on what your GPA is currently. If it’s already pretty sketchy, I can see how it would affect their offer

For anyone wondering, I just called saying I got a D first semester and they said, “Once we recieve your final transcript, if anything is worrying to us we will contact you to get some context on why you got that grade, but it is likely it wont be an issue”

Not too reassuring