has anyone gotten a full ride to University of Miami? ?

<p>I wanted to know if anyone has ever gotten a full ride to the University of Miami and what grades or requirements it took for you to get it too. Also, did the aid cover travel expenses? Thanks!</p>

<p>I assume you are talking about merit scholarships and not financial aid. The Stamps scholarship is a full ride. The Singer scholarship covers just the tuition. You can search and find the threads on these two scholarships. And yes, several students have received the Stamps that post on CC…</p>

<p>My daughter has a full ride Stamps scholarship. There is a stipend that covers everything, including air, misc expenses, etc. It is an extremely generous scholarship. You can find more info on stats from past threads, but she had a 35 ACT, ranked 3rd in her class, tough schedule, and a tremendous passion for community service that was evident in most of her activities. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Thank you. However I wanted to know if I would still be eligible for the Stamps Scholarship even though I did not apply to UM undet EA or ED (their site stated that you must apply under those conditions in order to be eligible). Would there be any other way for ne to get a full ride even without the Stamp Scholarship? Thanks. </p>

<p>I have not heard of any other full ride other than the Stamps and you had to apply early to be considered. They have sent out the invitations for the Stamps/Singer weekends already so no, you won’t be eligible for the Stamps or Singer.</p>

<p>Yes. Son got full tuition (no Stamps at that time) with a 34 ACT and 4.0 unweighted GPA. Valedictorian of HS. Good luck to you. </p>

<p>Oh okay. And he ever got full ride to University of Miami? </p>

<p>Full tuition scholarship. The Stamps scholarship covers is full ride but they didn’t offer that scholarship at the time. </p>