Has anyone gotten into HYPSD with under a 3.7?

<p>Anyone? Thanks</p>

<p>weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>Of course. There aren't many of them, but occasionally a college will really want an athlete or "super minority" or will grant "buy-ins" to children of the rich and famous.</p>

<p>Yes, many at my son's school get in with a 3.7, but then again there are no kids with over a 3.8 or so in the entire school and they send almost 35 % to Ivies, stanford etc</p>

<p>I mean unweighted.
Would it help if I took 13-15 AP classes? (but still ended up with a 3.6) :[</p>

<p>Dear MomofaKnight, what school did your son attend? 35 seems like quite a lot for even a top public school. Was it Andover or Exeter?</p>

<p>I mean, other than the billionaires' kids or the top athlete recruits.</p>

<p>Not Andover or Exeter, but a rigorous private day school in Massachusetts</p>

<p>My dad got into Penn...3.5 unweighted, and he had nothing special about him, but that was 1976...</p>

<p>^and Penn wasnt that selective back then, i think..</p>

<p>Id say about a sixth of the class going into an ivy has a 3.7 or below, when you take into account rich, celeb, sports recruits, and hooked/otherwise amazing candidates aside from their GPA.</p>

<p>Oh, it was pretty selective. It was ranked #18 in the country at the time...not nearly as prestigious as it is now, but perhaps as good as back then, as, say, Emory is today...</p>

<p>What the hell does the D in HYPSD stand for? </p>

<p>Duke is not HYPS level...</p>

<p>Yes it is...but that's beside the point...</p>

<p>Duke was ranked #5 by US News, tied with Stanford.</p>

<p>Its M not D</p>

<p>haha I try to ignore the US News Ranking but Duke is a great school.</p>

<p>I think I made a mistake when I thought it was "D"artmouth not "M"IT.</p>

<p>But that's beside the point.</p>

<p>A guy i know got in with a 3.35 and 1310 SAT's...go figure</p>

<p>wow that gives me hope :D
what was it that got him in? (hopefully it was something like an EC or an incredible essay, not wealth or sports...)</p>

<p>bump? 10 characters</p>

<p>Yes. I know one athlete at my school did on a scholarship to Stanford. Others have too, I'm sure...</p>

wow that gives me hope


<p>Don't get too hopeful. The chances of getting in with low stats is extremely unlikely. Just telling you so you don't set your expectations or hopes too high, because if they're not met, the fall will be harder.</p>