Has anyone had to deal with a check returned unpaid after accepting offer of admissions?

I got an email on the 28th saying that the check I used was returned because it was unable to be located. I was just told to pay it but not where so I’m a little lost. Has anyone else had this happen to them? If so, where exactly did you go to pay it? I did a payment and put in the memo what it was for but I’m not sure if that was right or not.

Not had to deal with it, but why not use their electronic check option rather than a physical check? Then you know it’ll go where it needs to?

@SJ2727 I did use an electronic check, sorry I didn’t clarify that. I’ve never used a check to pay for anything, let alone an eCheck, so I’m just unsure if that was the right thing to do. I got a confirmation email that it was received but the money still hasn’t been taken out so I’m worried.

You paid it directly in the bursar e-suite? As in, did you set up the e-check as a payment option inyour payment profile?

@SJ2727 Yes, and yes.

And you are sure you filled in all the details of the bank account, etc correctly? And you paid it from the screen that lists the tuition and housing deposit payments required? If all of these have been done I can’t think of what may have gone wrong. Have you checked with your bank what they have (or haven’t) seen from their side?