<p>Inquiring Mind - the economy is headed into more trouble. Commercial real estate is shot , and the banks are currently being rated by the government for strengths. More Tarp funds are on the horizon.
More unmade/unearned tax dollars are being readied by this government for spending.</p>
<p>“Unless there is another huge downturn in the economy/markets. In that case many schools will be struggling.” - that was a gross understatement of things to come this summer.</p>
<p>The waitlists will be utilized at more than a few schools in the months to come.</p>
<p>At a private school I’m involved with, the biggest problem I’m hearing is parent’s finding out the loan pipeline is dry. Sources they have used to fund schools are just plain unavailable right now. This, combined with continued job loss, has got to cause some problems. If I were a full pay waitlist candidate I would not lose hope.</p>
<p>I think inquiring is most likely right. Although we (my FP family) have lost a lot in the recession, like most FP families I think, it would take a lot more for us to need FA. I’m not trying to brag at all, sorry if it comes off like that, what I’m saying is that most FP applicants aren’t just making say 200k per year where FP would be a huge impact on their quality of life, I would assume most are like my family and making a couple times that. Reading my post it sounds a little pretentious, especially on a thread filled with FA people, I’m just trying to show the situation I THINK most FP accepts are in.</p>
<p>Not my family- we are right on the line. We are going to be very tight. I actually feel like affording clothes, books ect will be more difficult for us than a lot of FA applicants. </p>
<p>PA-C-I don’t know what the real numbers are, but my guess is that there are families in the istoleyournose catagory, but a lot more in the middle like you. If you look at the SSS form, if you are making 180-200k with assets your family contribution is going to be in the FP range. A job loss, significant stock market losses, loss in housing value, all of which is happening now, makes it a stretch to pay 45k in tuition and expenses. This is also probably why you have an increase in students at the schools who were formerly full pay who now need assistance.</p>
<p>I think PA-C is unusual right now. I think many in the ‘we will struggle’ category will not enroll their kids in private schools fearing the economy and having seen so recently how things can change over night. There was a recent story in one of our local newspapers about families moving into better school districts and leaving private schools.</p>
<p>PA-C - you are not the only one in that situation. My son is attending St George’s next year. The tuition is just the beginning. There is a required computer purchase, books, other fees, etc. THen, there is the wardrobe and visiting costs for us. We are FP, but just barely. It is a very scary leap of faith to be taking. We plan on remaining afloat and hope to see you bobbing with your head high in the sea that is FP at private boarding school. ;-)</p>
<p>Is there any actual movement on the waitinglist for MX? I called the school a couple of weeks ago and they said that there was 25 people on the waitinglist. Does MX over accept? </p>
<p>Oh, I was not happy. One of the schools I applyed to, which was a safety, waitlisted me. At the bottom of the letter, hand written, was ‘we would have accepted you, but we are not giving out any major Financial Aide packages of any sort. You are a talented individual.’ Well, thanks. I spent hours working on an application the school must have known could not be accepted. It was ridiculous. Sorry about the slight rant.</p>
<p>S was on MX waitlist and removed himself on 4/10- so now there are no more than 24 people on the list.</p>
<p>If you are a 9th grade boarding male- they told me there were only 28 beds for that category accepted this year so there aren’t a lot of possibilities for movement there. Don’t know about other grades or day students.</p>
<p>Hmmmm…the dance continues? received 4-21-09</p>
<p>Dear Sarum’s Son,</p>
<p>With our Candidate Reply Date of April 10 behind us, I am writing you about your status on Deerfield’s Wait List.</p>
<p>Although Deerfield is currently over-enrolled for September, historically we have experienced some attrition during the spring and summer months. However, it is unlikely that we will be able to make any Wait List decisions before the middle of June. Our Wait List decisions are also dependent on specific grade and gender attrition.</p>
<p>Please let me know if you wish to remain on our Wait List by replying to our Application Coordinator, Barb Avery at <a href=“mailto:bavery@deerfield.edu”>bavery@deerfield.edu</a>. </p>
<p>I understand the frustration and uncertainty that a Wait List status brings, so please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions about the Wait List.</p>
<p>Patricia L. Gimbel
Dean of Admission and Financial Aid</p>