Has Anyone Heard Back?

<p>I applied to UW - Madison in early September. I have a 28 act, 3.99 GPA, and I'm second in my class. I am very involved in my school, church and community. I am from a small town in Minnesota. I still haven't heard back and my application status hasn't changed from "will be" to "is being" so I'm starting to get nervous. Has anyone heard back yet? What are my chances of getting in? Does anyone know when I should hear back? I appreciate any input! Thanks :)</p>

<p>Unweighted gpa?</p>

<p>Im from minnesota too, and my application status still says “will be reviewed” as well. I know decisions come out on fridays, but i also know that the application status has to change to “is being review” before you can get a decision. So it’s just a waiting game right now for those of us who haven’t gotten in :/</p>

<p>Yes 3.99 GPA is unweighted </p>

<p>Seeing as how applications for the spring semester receive decisions by the end of December, your decision should be just a few weeks away. SHOULD be. I would call admissions and see if there are any issues not taken care of (either on your end or theirs).</p>

<p>An unweighted gpa of 3.99 is about as impressive as it gets. Nice job. As long as you took challenging courses, as in the most challenging ones available to you, you should have a very good chance.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>My school doesn’t offer AP classes, but I have taken several college credit classes through MSU. </p>

<p>I spoke to an admission person who said that the status changes to decision from “will be reviewed”. He said that intermediate status of “being reviewed”, etc. doesn’t show. I’m not sure whether this is the experience of everyone, but this is what he said. He also said that decisions are sent on Fridays, but not every Friday. As for reviewing applications, he said that apps will be reviewed once they turn green (when all material is in). He wouldn’t say the order in which ready apps are being reviewed. The only commitment is they’ll send decisions before end of Jan. </p>

<p>It’s confusing when some folks who applied later (with same or worse credentials) get decisions sooner, and others have to wait, etc. But there must be some method to this, which they are not revealing.</p>

<p>This same discussion is going on at the Penn State threads and a couple of others. I think it’s safe to say that the “easy admits” are taken first. The middle 50% have to fight it out, so to speak, and that’s when a lot of logistical factors come into play including who on the staff is reviewing your application! No one’s really saying it, but I will: the longer you wait for a decision, the weaker your chances are. It’s sensible to hedge the downside and send in a couple more applications.</p>

<p>I see the logic in that, but I don’t think its necessarily true for Madison since some very low stat applicants have been admitted while many on the upper spectrum have been postponed and even denied. Madison does a really good job of keeping their admission process pretty enigmatic so its really just a waiting game for us haven’t received a decision yet.</p>

<p>So am I understanding you correctly? The admissions staff told you that the status of “is being reviewed” doesn’t necessarily show up on the application status?</p>

<p>@283995‌ yup, they said in most cases it won’t change</p>

<p>Anyone get the hopefully good news?</p>

<p>@anxious00 Did the admissions rep possibly say around the time decisions are released?</p>

<p>No. He only said that decisions are released on Fridays, but not all Fridays. Maybe today is not the day. I doubt if we’re going to hear anything next Friday, being the day after Xmas, or even Jan, 2 perhaps being a long weekend for many. The next date is likely to be Jan, 9th? That’s a long way off… Best to call them Monday to see what their plans are. Note that officially, they’re supposed to give us decisions only “before end of Jan”. So long as nobody is getting decisions, it’s ok I guess.</p>

<p>I was so hoping it was tonight :frowning: I’m a nervous wreck…</p>

<p>A lot of in state applicants have yet to hear back too - and they’re given first priority. Also, when I got my acceptance my status hadn’t changed in the tracker to “being reviewed”. I’ve never heard of anyone’s doing this. </p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you though!</p>

<p>has anyone from michigan heard back yet?</p>

<p>Yeah I applied in early September as well and am still anxiously waiting to hear back – as soon as someone hears post it on here! I hope they start sending decisions out soon.</p>