Has anyone heard from schools yet?

<p>My D did Early Action at most schools and submitted her applications in mid-late October. So far she has had 2 acceptances to Nursing Programs. </p>

<p>She applied to:</p>

Salve Regina (Safety)
Northeastern (Top Choice, Reach)
UMaine (Safety) - Got accepted to Nursing!!
UMass (Top Choice and we are in-state)
UNH - Got accepted to Nursing!</p>

<p>Just curious if others have heard from any schools. She is mostly waiting for UMass and Northeastern as those are her 2 top choices.</p>

<p>Yes, my D has heard back with acceptance to :</p>

Univ Portland</p>

<p>She is waiting to hear from :</p>

U Virginia
U San Francisco</p>

<p>We should hear back from all of the above in the next few weeks with the exception of Marquette and U Virginia, which should report sometime late January. U Virginia will be the toughest on the list as we are OOS and that ups the competition. </p>

<p>In the end the cost for applying to all these colleges ended up not being too much as most of the colleges offered her free application. My D has applied for ROTC Nursing for both Army and Navy, hence the long list of colleges.</p>

we haven’t. My D applied to 2 early.
I am hoping we will hear from her “safety” sometime in Jan.
congrats on your acceptance!</p>

<p>Could you post your stats please?</p>

<p>D accepted to Messiah and desales</p>

<p>Waiting on
Northeastern Reach
Catholic university
U Connecticut
U Delaware
The college of NJ
U of Scranton
Villanova Reach
Rochester institute of Technology (pa program) reach</p>

<p>Heythere15 - Her SAT’s were 1630. 540/R 510/M and 560/CW. She retook in September (after lots of private tutoring!) but did worse on math so we didn’t send those scores. </p>

<p>Rank: Top 15% (very well ranked HS) 1 AP class last year and 2 this year</p>

<p>Extra Curricular - mostly student council (Secretary of the class this year), teen advisory, lots of volunteer positions, member NHS, Track for 3 years, very involved in theater group and has held a part time job at our town library for the past 1.5 years.</p>

<p>I imagine her recommendations were very good - she is very well liked by her teachers.</p>

<p>I think we will wait a while for Northeastern but hope to hear from UMass in the next few weeks. She isn’t expecting to get into NE and will be thrilled to go to UMass if she is accepted - as will we since we are instate:)</p>

<p>I have been accepted to UVM nursing and also utampa, indiana u and Ualabama tusculoosca. UVM is the only direct admin nursing program I’ve been into though (so far)</p>

<p>My top schools are u miami, udel, and upitt</p>

<p>My daughter is not-so-patiently waiting for her first acceptance to a nursing program to come in! She has a 3.9 W, a 3.75 UW gpa. SAT’s are: R660 M640 W570, 1870 total. She is in NHS (secretary), student council (4), student rep to school council (2), drama club-acting (4), field hockey (3), interned in Pediatrics at a Children’s Hospital (summer).</p>

<p>She applied early action to:
UMass Amherst
UMass Dartmouth
Mass School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

<p>Fingers crossed for her, and also for all of you! Hopefully lots of acceptances will be rolling in before the Christmas break!</p>

<p>My D applied to only 2 nursing programs & received her 1st acceptance last night.
She will not be apply to anymore colleges. YAY!
She will hear from the other college after the end of Jan.</p>

<p>Congrats to FlowerMom and FlowerKid! Where will she be attending? </p>

<p>Also congratulations to the other acceptances that are coming in!</p>

She doesn’t know yet. Both colleges are in state so both are affordable to us.
My D is waiting to hear from the other college.
Right now, she is very happy with her 1st acceptance.</p>

<p>Yes from UNH and Colby-Sawyer! New Hampshire was good to my D. Fingers crossed for UMass Amherst and Northeastern.</p>

<p>Yes from Duquesne, Pitt and Case Western. Waiting to hear from several others, but Pitt and Case Western are D’s top choices.</p>

<p>Congrats to all who have heard good news! I hope that the applicants will see more Yes! envelopes in future days!</p>

<p>D so far has been accepted to:</p>

<p>U Maine ($8K)
U New Hampshire
Norwich Univ ($19K)
UPitt (pushed to Bradford…no way!)
Case Western Reserve ($20K)</p>

<p>Still waiting for:
U Vermont (decision due on 12/17)
U Delaware
U Rhode Island
U Conn</p>

<p>I think we might be done…D is super excited by Case Western…now only to figure out how to pay for it. This has been an interesting ride!</p>

<p>tigrsbride, what are your daughter’s stats? I got into Colby-Sawyer with a 23,000 a year scholarship, but they didn’t offer me direct admission to the nursing program. I got into Saint Anselm’s program (which is absolutely spectacular) so I’m not really upset, but I’m confused because Saint A’s is a bit more competitive than Colby-Sawyer</p>

<p>Worcester State accepted -looking to talk with someone who knows about this program.
Simmons: accepted
Endicott accepted
Salem State: accepted
UMASS Amherst: waiting–
Northeastern: deferred…</p>

<p>SAT 1950 3.89 w</p>

<p>Hi Dessie411. Here is my D’s info: she has a 3.9 W, a 3.75 UW gpa. SAT’s are: R660 M640 W570, 1870 total. She is in NHS (secretary), student council (4), student rep to school council (2), drama club-acting (4), field hockey (3), interned in Pediatrics at a Children’s Hospital (summer).</p>

<p>She applied early action to:
UMass Amherst-still waiting!
UMass Dartmouth-accepted online, haven’t gotten the letter/package
Mass School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences-still waiting
Simmons-accepted, Dean’s Scholarship, Honors invite
Regis-still waiting
URI-still waiting
Quinnipiac-still waiting
Colby-Sawyer-accepted, Founders Scholarship, EA Award and Wesson Honors invite
UNH-Durham-accepted, Dean’s Scholar
UNE-Biddeford-still waiting</p>

<p>Congrats Collegetiger! That is a great list!</p>

<p>tiggrsbride: Thanks…Congrats on the D’s schools acceptance…Your daughter got the deans at simmons…we only got the presidential. The entire family is going crazy trying to decide which school.</p>

<p>When do you think UMASS AMHERST will release decisions?</p>

<p>Hi, Guys!</p>

<p>Update to my D’s list…</p>

Rutgers–Accepted to SAS; waiting on Nursing
Catholic university–waiting
U Connecticut–waiting
U Delaware–waiting
The college of NJ–waiting
U of Scranton–ACCEPTED!!
Rochester institute of Technology (pa program)–waiting
DeSales U–ACCEPTED!!</p>

<p>Hope everyone gets into the college of your choices!</p>