Has anyone participated in the San Francisco Ballet Summer courses

<p>Im planning to attend to a Ballet summer course and I dont know where yet.</p>

<p>SFB is a very good summer program. I was a dancer at CPYB and many of my classmates went to SFB for the summer. I am not sure what auditioning is like now since the school is under a new director, since Gloria left that is. I don't know your level but if your looking for top summer programs I would recommend Miami City Ballet-I went there and had a very good experience. Classes were good, the company is inspiring, and miami is fun. Also, Pacific Northwest Ballet, ABT, Boston Ballet etc...I would also recommend sending in an application to CPYB. It really is "ballet boot camp" but the classes are excellent and you will improve greatly. Aside from CPYB which is application only, these programs are very selective. So definitely, like college, audition for a range of programs. Sorry if I reiterated info you already know!</p>

<p>SFB’s SI is one of the most selective SI’s in the country. You either must be exceptional with exceptional facilities or very young with exceptional facilities. You must be very talented either way. I highly recommend Orlando Ballet’s SI. Although they accept a lot of dancers, the program is huge and has many different levels (roughly 9). The training is excellent - nearly everybody, at least in the higher levels, improves a lot. Classes typically span 6 hours per day Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, classes typically consume about 1.5-3 hours. Performance at the end of the program. There are two programs - the Tampa one is 3 weeks. The main camp in Orlando is 5 weeks. It is also a lot of fun! It is cheaper than a lot of other SI programs.
But yeah-putting SFB in college terms, I’d say that it is typically “Ivy.”</p>