Has anyone received a financial aid offer yet?

<p>Or know when we should expect one? I had to complete the Florida Residency form because it was missing, and I hope it doesn't delay or alter my financial aid in any way, because I need the best possible package I can get!</p>

<p>My guess is that we are many weeks away from seeing these…I’d guess mid-late March.</p>

<p>Sheesh, okay. I was hoping sooner. We have to finalize housing for UF in March! I’m positive UM is my #1 school, but I have to keep my options open right?</p>

<p>Yes, I think you have to deposit 200.00 by 2/28 to UF to hold your housing spot, so you’d lose the 200 if you end up going to Miami…That’s tough to think about but perhaps you can call financial aid and see if they can give you a “first read” or something if you plead your case. All they can say is no.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! I know I’m going to Miami, but always have worry about financial aid. If worse comes to worse I guess I’m willing to take out loans for Miami, but with an EFC of 00010, I’m sure I should get most of my tuition paid.</p>

<p>Last year my D’s myUM financial page was updated for the first and last time on Wednesday, March 23rd.</p>

<p>How was her financial aid package if you don’t mind me asking? Was her financial need met?</p>

<p>Not comfortable sharing dollar amount details. Suffice to say that she received more in scholarships and grants that we expected. We’re paying about half of what FAFSA came up with for our EFC, so we didn’t need to take out any loans and she doesn’t have to be distracted with work-study.</p>

<p>You have to finish the FL residency and send it in before they’ll process your application, so it’s critical to get that in ASAP. I’m mailing mine out tomorrow.</p>

<p>Aid packages come out in mid-to-late March, I believe is what their publications state.</p>

<p>I finished the Florida Residency, but I had to mail in a clearer copy of my dad’s drivers license because it got blurred through fax. I hope the delay doesn’t affect my financial aid, I honestly had no idea we were supposed to send in the Florida Residency form, until I checked myUM.</p>

<p>& thanks @ZincWhiskers!! You are so much help! I’m anxious to see my financial aid package.</p>