<p>Are you supposed to receive an email or letter acknowledging the receipt of your application?</p>
<p>Ya, I got mine pretty shortly after I submitted it for UCLA. However, some like UCSD I didn’t get until ~2 weeks ago. Try looking on the school’s undergrad section for info.</p>
<p>Are you sure about that Locke? As I recall, I didn’t receive anything from UCLA before admission decisions came out when I had applied back in the day… .</p>
<p>D got e-mail shortly after applying stating that UCLA received app.</p>
<p>I got an e-mail saying that they have recieved my application and will contact me if they need anything…</p>
<p>^ Yep, that’s exactly what I got.</p>
<p>yeah same. got that e-mail early january</p>