Has Anyone Recieved Anything in the Mail Yet?

<p>I applied to Yale on time and everything, but I haven't received any e-mail or mail notification of Yale receiving my application. Common App says they downloaded it, but they never contacted me.
I did, however, get a call about an interview so they must have gotten my application, but has anyone else gotten any notification yet? I'm a little worried...</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I applied SCEA and received confirmation and an ELI account a week and a half to two weeks after submitting all materials. I imagine with the deluge of applications the office is facing that it’ll be at least that long for you. It took them a couple weeks more to verify at the online site that they had all my required materials. </p>

<p>If you’ve been contacted for an interview, it means you’re in the system. But you’ll have to sit on your hands for a bit to make sure they got everything. (For your peace of mind, it didn’t seem like there were many problems on CC during the SCEA round).</p>

<p>i just got a letter in the mail yesterday with my ELI login, so you’ll probably get something soon.</p>

<p>Does Yale send all its confirmation notices by mail, rather than email?</p>