<p>Last quarter, I got all A's and 1 D. My D was in the second sequence of a pre calculus class (my school has a quarter system), I'm not a science major by the way. And, damn, it cost me my acceptance to UCLA. Is there anything at all I can do? The paper I got in the mail gave me a number to call. But wow....I feel really terrible</p>
<p>I'm taking a math class to finish my math requirement this quarter and I'm retaking the D class in the summer. My math requirement is all I needed by the way..</p>
<p>do they know you will meet the math requirement this quarter?
You could appeal if they do not know and appeal that you will meet the requirment b4 transfer. </p>
<p>So you got rejected because you got a D which is not a passing grade so you did not meet the preq for transfer.</p>
<p>I could have sworn UCLA wanted atleast 1 semester of college math which would be higher than precalc - like College and Matrix Algebra or something to that effect</p>
<p>Yeah, they know I'm taking a math class this quarter to meet the requirement and they know I'm planning to take the math class I got a D in in the summer. I'm not a science major so I didn't need anything above pre cal. All I needed was a class above regular algebra. Can I really appeal this though?</p>
<p>You could have appealed if they DIDNT know.</p>
<p>How do you know that this was the SOLE reason for your rejection- did you call and ask?</p>
<p>if you are meeting preqs in the spring b4 transfer that is acceptable and you would not get rejected just because of that.</p>
<p>Well, I signed the SIR and accepted the whole UCLA admission deal. Then it asked me to send in my winter quarter grades, what classes I'm taking in spring, and what classes I plan to take in the summer if I do. I let them know what classes I was taking in the spring and what I was planning to take in the summer. The withdrawal letter seemed to use a generic template but it gave me a number to call if I wanted to discuss the decision. I called but I kept getting an answering machine so ya. But, ya, I'm finishing the prereqs this quarter.</p>
<p>what was your gpa with all As and 1d?-- what did the contract say? Did you have to stay above 3.0</p>
<p>Did you contact them b4 hand letting them know you might get a D and asking them if it was acceptable to take the course over in the next semester? </p>
<p>Why did you get the D? If lets say you had some sort of personal or family situation that you could write about in your appeal letter and explain to them that you are making the best out of your circumstances then you have a chance- or call and talk to the admissions commitee, hell if i was you i would make up some hardship.</p>
<p>I calculated it, its around a 3.2. The contract said I couldn't go below a 3.2. I did have a stomach flu so I couldn't really study for the final. I don't know if they'll sympathize with that though. My grandmothers sister also was really ill and sick during this time and passed. But, it really didn't effect me that much because I wasn't as close as her as the rest of my family was. Do you think any of that will fly or will they just read it as rubbish?</p>
<p>Why dont you get a bit more creative? First calculate your exact GPA- second see if you ACTUALLY violated the contract. Third if you did not call them and ASK them why you were rescinded.</p>
<p>I dont know the appeal deadline but i am assuming it is soon- if you want to go the appeal route- stomach flue is not enough- and writing about someone passing and it not affecting you is clearly useless. Get creative.</p>
<p>Well, my gpa was exactly a 3.32. I called and they asked for my information saying they'd call back so I'm still waiting to find out the exact reason.</p>
<p>Another reason for my D that I could think of was that I started working 20-30 hours a week as a dishwasher on account of my mom losing her job around the end of winter quarter and I only live with her, she's getting paid for 3 months following getting layed off and then she'll be officially unemployed and all that business. The contract will be ending some time now. This is legit and all but would it garner any hardship points?</p>
<p>Yep depends on how you present it, you might want to blow it a bit out of proprtion saying that you had to help out financially and support yourself and your mother during these times , etc. ....</p>
<p>by the way i would not sit around waiting for them to call you back , i would call them again and again and email them all the time.</p>