Has Yale been reviewing our applications for SCEA yet?

<p>When do/did they start? They could have already decided our fates! I mean, tommorow is the first day of December!</p>

<p>Scary, huh? GL to all of you :).</p>

<p>yeah lol most likely they’ve begun. i would think they’re deeply immersed in it right now esp. if they wanna finish in 2 weeks! :)</p>

<p>well apparently. The brown admissions committee has the individual officer read appz for ED up until Dec. 1. Then on December first, the entire committee meets as a whole to vote on each applicant.</p>

<p>wait… at least I think it was brown. It might be stanford though…</p>

<p>An alumnus tells me Yale goes into committee tomorrow.</p>

<p>this IS scary lol. i second the good luck to everyone…only 15 days!!! woot woot. =/</p>

<p>The 15 days countdown makes me feel sick :(</p>

<p>me 2…:frowning: if i dont get into yale…i dont even wanna think about it! anyways, i think the committee is meeting tommorow. my interviewer told me her interview report was due before december 1 and it struck me as peculiar that the reports would be due so late. now i know why!</p>

<p>looks like tomorrow is when it all begins…</p>

<p>^and could end for some of us…</p>

<p>Yeah I guess my interview report isn’t goin to make it on time.
Oh well!</p>

<p>UGHGHG i wish I was from a town of like 5000 people in Montana.</p>

<p>I’m sure my application is already in a dumpster truck speeding as fast as it can out of New Haven…</p>

<p>Wait, Facebook Elihu Yale told me that the AdCom has already convened a couple months ago (I think midOctober) because of the huge volume of applications. There is no way that an Adcom can review so many thousands of applications in two weeks, enough to send likely letters and design an acceptance/deferral/rejection letter. </p>

<p>My Yalie friend asked her counselor, and he said that they put all our applications up as a slide against a wall and review it collectively and then proceed to vote on it.</p>

<p>I just have this image of old, white men in a stuffy room deciding our fates. And my high school effort – all of it – has been represented on a wall.</p>

<p>I thought that it is filtered. So that the regional reps pick their favorite applicants and then argue their case in front of the admissions committee. I didn’t think that they ACTUALLY voted on all 6000 applicants.</p>

<p>That is ridiculous.</p>

<p>yeah I would think that they’d toss a couple hundred of the apps as automatic rejects, like people who obviously have consistently bad scores/grades/ecs/essays. as for the rest, idk…</p>

<p>I’m also going to say the apps are filtered before going into committee by taking auto-rejects and also auto-admits.</p>

<p>Do you think they have auto-admits? <em>sighs wistfully</em></p>

<p>I’m sorry. I was wrong. I just checked, and she said that of the 10,000, “ideally the admissions officers shave off half of them” but she confirmed that there are two rounds: admissions officers and then deans.</p>

<p>I think a kid Wyoming with a 2400, four 800s on SAT IIs, all 5s on AP tests, and who is also president/captain of multiple clubs and a Siemens National Finalist/Intel STS Finalist would be an auto-admit. Except how many of those exist, even outside Wyoming? Theoretically though…</p>

<p>Hopefully a Nova Scotian TASPer…</p>



<p>I think an anywhere TASP-er has a more-than-decent shot :P</p>