Hate My Life

<p>ok so i transferred after my fresh hyear</p>

<p>im a first semester sohpmore at a large school without housing, i walk so much my feet are blistered, i joined a frat and still meet no people outside of it.</p>

<p>i have like 10 froends on fbook from my current school......</p>

<p>how many people do u meet bby living on campus? is it worth it to trasnfer and get on campus housing at another state school second semester spring?</p>

<p>i ****ing hate my life</p>

<p>get involved!</p>

<p>Why are you posting this in the transefer section? Obviously you will meet more people by living on campus, decide if its worth the cost of room and board than do it, if not, than don't.</p>

<p>I don't think you should transfer just to meet more people. Living on campus, you likely would just know your hall mates, so that would not be a lot of people either. You are new at this school and an upperclassman so that puts you at a disadvantage. You have been there a month? Give it time, and like the other poster said, get involved. If it is a large school there should be clubs and activities to meet people at.</p>

<p>maybe people don't like you because of your whiney attitude?</p>

<p>Was that harsh? haha</p>


<p>um, all i have to say is that its not you. A lot of people feel like this when they go to large schools, or even a community college. Eventually, or maybe not, depending on the class, you will find people to talk to, but not at an alarming rate. If you want to make a lot of friends, i suggest you transfer to a liberal arts college.</p>

<p>This guy posted here before regarding this issue. I'm kind of freaking out because he seems suicidal or some crap.</p>


<p>i still wouldnt jump to conclusions. Maybe the person is just shy in person?</p>

<p>it just suxs cause hte people i know do know a million ppl from the dorms, hallamtes are allot of ppl....and all social interaction is in the dorm</p>

<p>join a club? speak up in your smaller classes. form a study group. plus youre in a frat, dont they throw parties?? youre only a soph, theres plenty of time. get out there.</p>