<p>Got a call today from a Princeton alumnus and had a sort of phone interview with her. Strange thing is I am a deferred ED applicant, and have already had one interview back in November... so just wondering if all ED deferred applicants go through two interviews...?</p>
<p>u must be a borderline case...good luck gautam</p>
<p>Yes, that was what I thought as well.</p>
<p>Oh yes, one more thing... I was asked rather pointedly, thrice in fact, if P'Ton was still my first choice, and if I had to chose between P'Ton and another Ivy, would I stick with P'Ton... obviously I replied in the affirmative.</p>
<p>wow. looks very positive dude!!</p>
<p>This bodes well for you in April :)</p>
<p>Doom for me xP</p>
<p>Oh, that does sound good.</p>
<p>Had you sent in any additional materials sine you'd been deferred?</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Yes, in my application I had stressed my love for creative writing, so I had sent them two writing samples along with a brief letter stating that they were still my first choice.</p>
<p>Thank you for your good wishes and good luck to you as well, but I don't want to read too much into this at all. It could just be that P'Ton forgot that this poor kid had been deferred ED and it was just a routine interview...</p>