<p>Hi! So on Thursday August 9 I will be meeting with an admissions officer at Georgetown and I was wondering about the questions you would ask. You can put down as many as you want and I can ask them on Thursday and get back to you. I myself have a few so I might not get to yours. (oh plus I am going on a campus visit so and campus or info questions work as well) </p>
<p>But I am kind of confused as to what exactly to ask and what is appropriate, any suggestions?</p>
<p>What makes a strong SFS applicant?</p>
<p>what do you look for when you see someones extracurricular activities on their resume?</p>
<p>Thank you guys for the questions but I’m sorry I didn’t see them fast enough.</p>
<p>I can say from the interview I found out that each school’s applicants are weeded out the same way. First they have to go through the general admissions representatives and then are forwarded to each college. Also it really depends on your major because there are a certain spots open for each major in each separate college, I strongly suggest you call them and ask about your major and that way you have am idea.</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities really should reflect your interests. (this is a good questions I should have asked it) but the officer did mention, two things really are weighted for ECs: commitment or how well they show a correlation with your intended field of study. for example if you want to do pre-med maybe commit yourself to 100+ hours volunteering at a hospital.</p>
<p>hope that helped!</p>