Have College Freshmen Changed?

<p>This is an interesting discussion about helicopter parents and how they may have hurt their children's growth and ability to face adversity. What does everyone think?</p>

<p>Students</a> Are Different Now - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com</p>

<p>Not exactly related, but some have noticed one trend at my school, which has been rising academically the past several years. They think the freshman girls are smarter and less attractive every year.</p>

<p>in answer to your question, No, freshman are no different or changed. We parents are different and technology has changed the relationship…</p>

<p>We want to be needed. We want to be involved. Now we have phones, texting, Skype, FB and emails to easily reach out. Before, we had to stand in line down the hall if we wanted to call home. Personally, I think girls’s parents want that much more than parents of boys.</p>

<p>There is NOT more to learn, just different stuff. Each generation has a different skill set learned from young childhood on and skills of past generations are not learned. To know which ones, talk to someone of your child’s grandparents’ age. In some ways it is so much easier- computer skills, cell phone use, computer information at the touch of a finger… We parents could get going on how hard it was for us in comparison… Roquestar- I presume that ebook is free? Or is yours a problem post?</p>

<p>RoqueStar: Enough with advertisements. It’s against the terms of service.</p>