have i been rejected ???

<p>hi all,</p>

<p>i applied to purdue for fall '10.
checked the online application website this morning and it says Denied/Offer Waitlist under decision
what does this mean ?? have i been rejected ??
i've only applied to a few schools so i'm panicking right now :(
i'm an international student btw, applied for com engineering</p>

<p>thanks for reading</p>

<p>You were offered to be on waitlist. Pretty much means that you were rejected but still have a chance to attend the university.</p>

<p>would it help if i changed my major to economics ?? my friend said economics is much easier to get into than engineering.</p>

<p>rejected but still have a chance to attend ? how does that work actually ??</p>

<p>I’m not sure if changing your major to economics would help. Krannert’s been getting harder to get into lately also. Why not try for Undergraduate Studies Program instead and then switch into Engineering after you finish all the classes required? </p>

<p>Waitlist means you were put onto a list of students who had the grades to attend but the # of acceptances were reached. So if you really want to attend Purdue you agree to be on waitlist and when people decide not to attend Purdue then spots will open up for you. I’m not sure how Purdue does it but for Rutgers, you will never know if you got your waitlist accepted until June/May.</p>

<p>wow ok, thank you so much for that. for a moment i thought my grades were unacceptable or something. normally what is the percentage of students who get waitlisted and end up actually getting accepted ?? is it something worth waiting for or is it foolish for me to hang around ??</p>

<p>ps what is undergraduate studies program ?? is it something similar to community college ?? if its feasible, i might consider that. purdue’s my dream school for engineering.</p>

<p>thanks again</p>

<p>I’m really not sure what the percentage of students who get accepted after waitlist is. I highly recommend you calling the Office of Admissions in regards to that since they would know better.</p>

<p>Undergraduate Studies Program (USP) is a major at Purdue actually. It’s basically the “Undecided” major and they have great advisors to help you along the way. It’s usually the easiest major to get into at Purdue, so that’s why I recommend it. If you take all the required courses for Engineering during your first year while in USP, you do know you can apply to a specific college in Engineering right? This is if you also have the required GPA.</p>

<p>USP is full, I had to switch majors when I applied, from first year Engineering to Natural Resources Engineering in AG so I can do CODO and switch into Engineering. This Agriculture and Natural Resources Engineering is really cool because you still do all of the first year engineering program so it wouldn’t push me behind to transfer. If you have the option and still would like to do engineering I would strongly advise this major choice.</p>

<p>^ Thanks for that heads up on it being full.</p>

<p>wait how do you know its full ?? ah crap now i don’t even know what to do =/</p>

<p>Give Krannert a try or a major in CLA that sounds enticing to you.</p>

<p>thanks, but will they let me change my major while i’m on the waitlist ?</p>

<p>also, will they look at and review my app again ? or will they just put me on krannert’s waitlist directly?</p>

<p>I got the same thing and today I just received a letter. They said I could choose to be waitlisted for College of Engineering for fall 2010 and/or guarantee admission for spring 2011 (this is my fault, I applied too late). I’m sure you have the same option. Don’t worry about it. If you really want to go to Purdue, you’ll get in :D</p>

<p>If I don’t have to change my major, I highly doubt you do ;)</p>

<p>oh my thats pretty good. so you got deny/offer waitlist on the application website and they offered you guaranteed admission for spring '11 and/or waitlist for fall '10 ?? i don’t mind spring '11 actually, i’ve got a couple of the polytechnics having engineering courses here. i could do that for these few months until then to sorta prepare and polish up on my math.</p>

<p>thank you so much, that brightened up my day a little.</p>

<p>No problem. Hey, I might just see you there :D</p>

<p>just got the same email as AfromericanChick :D</p>

<p>i’m really really thankful to everybody who replied :D</p>

<p>feel so happy right now lollll</p>

<p>cheers all, have a great week ahead.</p>

<p>I got the same email as AfromericanChick today~
Just want to know, is spring term admission for freshmen the same as fall term?
Will you get the major you applied?(i applied for Engineering><" purdue has a really good program)If yes, I think spring term is perfect, cuz i really wanne take a break after high school.
Anyone has ideas?</p>

<p>It should be the same. My only worry is if I end up graduating later if I start in the spring. Hmmm… But anyways, CONGRATS you guys! I think I’m definitely going to Purdue, so see ya there…teehee :D</p>

<p>Oh, and you will (or mostly likely) get the major you chose.</p>

<p>haha~ thank you so much~~
i love Purdue as well^^
i applied for Aerospace engineering, so yea, if i can get my major, purdue is awesome~ and i think take a half year break after high school is good for me as well</p>