have i evaluated myself right?

<p>brief stats: asian female
3.7 gpa UW (no weighted, no rank)
2350 sat
800 Math 2 790 Chem 750 Physics
intended major: Asian Studies/English
my essays will be the strong point of my app
no idea about recs</p>

<p>I think these are my safeties:
UNC (received love letter)</p>

Uchicago (in, i'd love to go but am looking for more finaid options)


<p>is that approximately correct?</p>

<p>amherst and duke definetly reach but williams, uchig are matches gl!</p>

<p>i'm especially interested to know if anyone thinks that there are nuances among the reaches... are any of them easier/harder than others?</p>

<p>No, you have not evaluated yourself right. What you listed as matches are all crapshoots. You have strong stats, certainly, but so do plenty of the applicants they reject.</p>

<p>is williams slightly easier to get into than amherst/duke?</p>

<p>williams is the best LAC out there according to rankings</p>

<p>your list is horrible... a 3.7 GPA is low for any unhooked applicant. what are your ECs? if they are lackluster, you will get rejected from all of your reach schools and probably all of your "match" schools as well</p>

<p>once again, without your extracurricular list, no one can really make a prediction.</p>

<p>darkhope is ridiculous. You can't say that amherst is a reach and williams is a match. They are essentially the exact same school, in terms of admissions chances. Both of those schools are reaches for pretty much everybody.</p>

<p>my 3.7 is at a private prep school (phillips exeter), where grades are deflated, so it still puts me in the top 10% of my class.</p>

<p>my ECs:
Violin (10 years), 4 statewide awards
Dance (jazz) for 8 years
president of environmental action club
photography editor of yearbook
editor of science magazine
Founder of Science Bowl Team
Knowledge Master's Open Team
volunteer at children's hospital during the summer (100 hours)
volunteer as tutor at inner city middle school (50 hours)
Intern at MGH over the summer with surgeon</p>

<p>as for my list being horrible, i'm mostly going for the reaches at this point because I have already gotten into Uchicago. So i figure why not reach, since i'll have that as a backup.</p>

<p>EC list is ok. nothing stands out. stanford is about an impossible reach</p>


<p>other then BU you're looking at top 30 schools. Although USC is almost a safety, its much more difficult for girls to get in (avg gpa roughly 3.8 w/ a 2100). However, you did the shot gun method where ua pplied to alot of great schools and you will get into a few of them w/o a doubt. How much fin aid ull get is up in the air (possilby USC will give u alot). gl.</p>