<p>K, I really really want to go to Harvard [just like the other 26000 people who are going to be applying this year] and study Biochemistry. Do you guys think that I have any shot at getting in?</p>
<p>well here r the stats:
SAT: 2150 [720 Reading, 750 Math, 680 Writing]
IB: Predicted 38
Rank: N/A
SAT IIs: 760 Math2, 780 Biology M, 800 Chemistry
APs: N/A
Currently taking: IB HL Chem, Bio and Math. IB SL English, Chinese [I'm Indian tho] and Economics
Activities and stuff: Lots of time spent in service with an autistic school, also a lot of time with the Missionaries of Charity. Leadership is not a problem, I've been House captain and Student Council Rep. Play Basketball. Doing Model United Nations for ages. Quite a bit of various other debating as well.
Recs: 1 from bio teacher, she has a PhD. all boxes ticked as Very Good [well above average] and top 10%.
1 from Chemistry teacher, really glowing ref, all top 10% and up.
1 from counselor
My essay is about my IB Extended Essay which is basically a 4000 word research project. I talk about my investigation into bioalcohols and their feasibility as possible replacements for gasoline in the future. Essay is not a problem for me, just assume it's a very well written essay because everyone at school etc who has read it has said that it reads excellently.
Extra Submission: Submitting my actual Extended Essay itself in case they want to verify the level of work. The Essay has been graded at an A and the description given by my supervisor is "Excellent piece of analytical Chemistry".</p>
<p>What do you guys reckon my chances are? Do I have even a 1% chance?</p>
<p>So do you think it’s worthwhile to apply? I mean, I’m an international student and although my school is top notch we have never got anyone into Harvard and so basically everyone in school is trying to dissuade me from applying by saying that I have no shot.</p>
<p>In your view, do I have a somewhat reasonable [even 5% will do] shot of getting in?</p>
<p>For the essay, is that your common app essay? No offense, but I don’t think that’s what they are looking for. They are not looking for a dissertation here, they just want to know a little about you. You can talk about the project and relate it to yourself and reflect upon it, but if you just explain the project they won’t like it.</p>
<p>sorry, like i honestly dont really think you have a shot. i mean harvard is one of the best schools in the country and shiiit. i’m actually a current student there and these were my stats:</p>
<p>SATs: 2380
SATIIS: Math II: 760, Bio: 800, French w/ listening: 770
APs: US history: 5, French: 5, English lit: 4
I was the president of model UN
I played 3 varsity sports and I was the captain of 2 of them
I did 470 hours of community service: tutoring, soup kitchens, hospital
I did an internship with the CEO of the New York Times
There was a bunch of other stuff but this was the big stuff. I wrote my essay about being a Botswanan-American. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!</p>
<p>he still has a shot! I know people who have gotten in with little over 2000 sat score and less activities than you and got in. Never let anyone deter you from your goal. You won’t have a shot if you DON’T apply!</p>
<p>If that is your essay, you don’t have a shot. The essay should reveal something about YOU, not “bioalcohols and their feasibility as possible replacements for gasoline in the future.”</p>
<p>i feel like i didn’t explain what my essay was about properly. in no way is it a dissertation of my Extended Essay, rather, it is an explanation of why I found the process of writing the Extended Essay very rewarding and how I relate to that.</p>