Have Not Contacted Roomie?

At my school they notify you of your housing assignment and roommate via email and they also include a way for you to email your roommate. Well, my roommate is a stranger. I applied to late to become roommates with a friend. Anyway I have been aware of my room assignment since July 31st, which she has as well. I emailed her twice and each time no response. This is my first yr. and the facility they assigned me too is open to either freshman or returning students, ,but mostly returning students live there from what I have heard. So I was thinking the following:</p>

<p>A.She is a returning student and doesn't want to room with me because I am a freshman</p>

<p>B.She decided she's not going to that school anymore</p>

<p>C.She doesn't have the money to complete her housing deposit</p>

<p>D.She doesn't have access to the internet right now</p>

<p>E.She has seen my emails, and completed her housing deposit,but she's antisocial.</p>

<p>From the looks of things,the facility I'm assigned to looks great.We have our own private bathroom, carpeted floors, self controlled ac/heat, and a microfridge in each room, and it has like the largest sized rooms (besides the apartments). So I'm beyond satisfied, and I am not going to request to change,even if she is an upperclassmen and doesnt want to room with a freshman.But what do you guys think? Why hasn't she emailed me back? Thanks In Advance</p>

<p>Uh most people room with strangers. Lol</p>

<p>Also, for all you know she could be abroad. One of my good friends was doing this trip across Europe and had no access to internet or anything and when she got back she had over 100 e-mails from her future roommate. It was kinda funny, but she got kinda flipped out. Now she’s kinda dreading move-in day…</p>

<p>But yeah you don’t know what circumstances your roommate might be in. Think on the brightside that shes just been busy or unable to access a computer, but is really excited to meet you.</p>

<p>Or none of the above. I never contacted my roommate before school…really no reason to. I brought what I needed, she brought what she needed, we met move in day.</p>

<p>^^^^ What if your roommate doesn’t know that he/she has gotten an email from you? For example, when my roommate emailed me, it was through my university’s email service, I didn’t know how to log into that email service, so I didn’t respond back for a month, but eventually I figured it out, and then contacted my roommate.</p>

<p>I think they dont like you</p>

<p>I’d be a little annoyed if my roommate emailed me twice unless it was important. xD</p>

<p>I love how the most reasonable explanation is 4th down on the list</p>

<p>I know that I much prefer talking to my roommate before the school year begins (organizing who brings what, get to know them in general, know what they look like to find them at school), but I’m extremely social, haha.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t email anymore and just wait. If there’s no response, then just move in as usual and assume her internet isn’t working or she’s not home or whatever. When you do meet her, DON’T confront her about it. Like others said, she may not even be aware there were emails or something. Just start new without getting angry for it.</p>

<p>Have you tried friending her on facebook?</p>

<p>I have had to remind my kid to check his email but he’s on facebook every day!</p>

<p>She’s probably a new student who hasn’t thought to check her student email (where the ones you sent were probably sent to) or somewhere abroad right now. I wouldn’t worry about it. Even if she doesn’t want to/isn’t going to room with you, you’re in the good dorm appantly and she’d be the one that would have to move, just sticking you with another random.</p>