I recently took the June 2016 ACT. I have not received my scores back, and the first release was on July 21st. I am nervous that the boy sitting next to me cheated off majority of my test… I caught him looking over at my booklet many times, but I did not worry because I thought that everyone had different forms. Now I hear that it is not uncommon to have the same test booklets as your neighbor, and I am starting to become nervous. Also, my friend knew the boy sitting next to me, and texted him asking if he got his scores. He said he did. Does this change anything? If not, when will I receive the letter that accuses me on cheating? Please help!!!
Have you tried calling ACT and asking? What did they tell you?
@flatKansas I called today, and they said it was not scored yet. I still don’t understand why it is taking so long though!