Have some fun converting my ACT into SAT

<p>My Current SAT scores:</p>

<p>CR = 600
M = 590
W = 510 + 6 Essay</p>

<p>My Current ACT Scores:</p>

<p>Math = 33
English = 30 + 10 essay = 30 lol
Reading = 26
Science = 26</p>

<p>TBH, i did not see ANY difference in the reading and science section, they were basically "read as much as you can in the allotted time and match what you find, enjoy the heart attack it comes with."</p>

<p>I'm more interested in seeing how my ACT english and math score compare to my SAT Math and CR score. From what I've read most if not all my schools ignore the science and reading section of ACT and compare the english to the writing.</p>

<p>oh c’mon 46 views and no response.</p>

<p>At least try… or say hi lol. </p>

<p>thanks to those who do</p>

<p>your SATs are 1700 but your ACT corresponds to a 1930 on the SAT… definitely use your ACT for college applications</p>



<p>Since we don’t know “your” schools, we have no way of knowing if only the first two parts of the ACT are important to your applications.</p>

<p>But, in general, DRMAN is correct. Your 29 is much higher than your SAT. I would guess that, with a little more practice, you could probably raise that to a 30+.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.act.org/aap/concordance/pdf/reference.pdf[/url]”>http://www.act.org/aap/concordance/pdf/reference.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>lmao misterwang!!! thank you for passing by and saying hi!</p>

<p>Lobzz= I have to send both because of SAT II’s.</p>

<p>bluebayou = Im done applying to schools. Im mainly applying to many scholarships. So I cant really change my score at this point. I wish I wouldve known about the ACT A LONG TIME AGO. Im one of those kids that does better on one test than the other, clearly. So I only had one chance. :frowning: I’m mainly applying to engineering schools, cornell, umich, penn state honors (accepted btw), etc… Thank you for your imput. I’m hoping my URm status and povershied background may help haha.</p>

<p>Descartez = awesome link!! I typed stuff into google for like 10 minutes and never came across that!</p>

<p>OK So According to that chart:</p>


<p>Math = 730
CR = 530
WR = 670</p>

<p>Now the following is called wishful thinking:
If schools only look at highest scores then my reading score should be switched with the currebt 600 I have… therefore my final score is:</p>

<p>730+600+670=2000 :D::rolleyes: lmao, ok so I know thats not actually true, but in times like these its important to remain positive in order to avoid insanity, thanks guise you’ve been great!</p>

<p>bumping cuz I’m bored and would like more insight. I got into UMich recently for engineering, however, I found out UMich is terrible when it comes to FA for OOS. I hope Cornell Accepts me because they’re new FA policy combined with HEOP means I have no loans and I could go to summer program. </p>

<p>Any more insight?</p>

<p>Percentage wise (out of a perfect score, not national percentile)
You’re looking at…
ACT: 81% (29/36)
SAT: 71% (1700/2400)</p>

<p>if my SAT+ACT were superscored, I’d be close to perfection…</p>

<p>BUT since this is real life… it’s not going to happen :[</p>

<p>lmao only in a perfect world! ^^^</p>

<p>interesting. i don’t know a thing about the ACT. i’ve only heard that it’s supposed to be easier. then again, other people say it’s not.</p>

<p>Well it’s not so easy that you should be like, “OH MY GOD WHY DID I EVER TAKE THE SAT?!” but it is easier because you might feel less pressured.</p>

<p>I think it works like this:
If you have a high GPA 3.8 and above, and you do horrible on the SAT like I did, that means the ACT is probably for you. The SAT is only for some, while the ACT is for others.</p>

<p>However, if your GPA is low, and you did bad on the SAT most likely you will do bad on the ACT as well. </p>

<p>You should try both anyway.</p>