Have some questions regarding the UC app

<p>I did independent study Vietnamese school where I was a student AND a TA at the same time. I was essentially the top student in the class, so the teacher made me his TA where I would teach material to kids who didn’t understand, grade papers, etc. I noticed that on the UC app, there was a separate section for extracurricular activities and for community service. </p>

<p>First off, does independent study Vietnamese school count as an EC? It wasn’t at a CC and didn’t count for credits, it was a nonprofit organization founded by volunteers with the intent of spreading the language and culture. </p>

<p>Secondly, if the school was in session one day a week for four hours, how would I divide my hours up on the app? Would it be 4 hrs/ wk for both the EC and comm service sections? Or would I have to divide it up to say, 3 hrs/ wk for EC and then 1 hr/wk for the comm service section? </p>

<p>Lastly, for the comm service section, it asks me which organizations I’ve done work for. However, I get all of my service hours from Key Club, where I work for many different organizations. One week, I’ll be at a soup kitchen, another I’ll be at an American Cancer Society event, and so on. Do I put the organization name as solely Key Club or do I have to write out all the organizations that I’ve worked for through Key Club?</p>

<p>I forgot to mention.</p>

<p>Does Student Government count as an EC? At my school, it’s a class that you have to apply to get into. However, you do have to spend a lot of time working out of class as well.</p>

<p>Independent study Vietnamese school and Student Government both count as extracurricular activities. You may list them as either “Coursework Other Than A-G” or “Extracurricular Activities” depending on how much room you have (you can only list 5 in each category; there are six categories in total).</p>

<p>You can list the 4 hours once in one category and just explain your responsibilities in the description.</p>

<p>Everyone knows what Key Club does, so you can just list Key Club under Community Service, put down your estimated hours, and briefly explain the various activities you’ve done (serving food to the homeless, cupcake fundraiser for American Cancer Society, etc.).</p>