Have to pick dorm today -- best dorm for freshman?

<p>Hi--my son has to send in his housing contract today. He's from out of state so doesn't know much about the dorms. For first 2 choices he's applied to honors (waiting to hear from the honors progrm) and Jester (based on comments here about how it's a nice place to meet people).</p>

<p>Just wondered -- as a parent, I'd prefer he not be in a place w/tons of partying & noise. However, I'd like him to have a great social experience in his freshman year, too (hope those 2 ideas aren't mutually exclusive).</p>

<p>Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!</p>

<p>Jester is an interesting place. On the plus side, it is right in the middle of things, handy dining, close to the stadium, right across the street from both Gregory Gym and the library. The rooms aren’t bad, definitely a place to meet people. </p>

<p>On the minus side, it is huge, over 3000 students live there. It tends to be party central. My son has also applied for honors housing, but put Jester as his second choice. Many posters here will give you info on some of the smaller dorms and tell you to stay away from Jester, but they did not appeal to my son.</p>

<p>Do a search “dorms”. There was a really long thread with lots of good info on UT dorms not too long ago. See if you can pull it up. It may answer some of your questions.</p>

<p>You can also change your dorm preferences for a couple of months online, so he can send in what he thinks he wants now, and change it later if he changes his mind.</p>

<p>Thanks, Queen. I read thru that thread on UT dorms, and it was informative. </p>

<p>Son ended up putting honors first (in the event that he makes it in to an honors prgrm) and Jester 2nd, a few others (forget exactly, but not Simkins) for the last three spots. </p>

<p>Good to know that things can change. I think son is looking forward to the social aspect of college life (hopefully, not to excess!) so Jester might be a nice option.</p>

<p>If your son doesn’t make the honors program, a Residential FIG might be a good alternative for him. He would stay in the same dorms with other freshman and have some classes with his dormmates and a conference period with other FIG students in the same discipline. That would really “shrink” the campus for him. </p>

<p>You can’t sign up for both that and Honors housing, I don’t think, because the FIG has to be the first option on your list. It was my backup option for honors, and a lot of the people that I met on campus recommended it.</p>

<p>Best of Luck. :-)</p>

<p>That’s a great tip, thanks. I did see that you couldn’t sign up for both honors & FIG. As soon as he hears about the honors (if it’s a no-go) maybe he’ll sign up for FIG. “Shrinking” the huge campus is something that would really be a positive, I’d think.</p>

<p>Going off to research exactly what FIG involves (have general idea)…</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>Here is the link to Whitis Court which is where Residential FIGS live.
[Division</a> of Housing and Food Service - Whitis Court](<a href=“UHD Homepage | University Housing and Dining”>UHD Homepage | University Housing and Dining)</p>

<p>For the perfect mix of student living and lifestyle (their slogan not mine) you should choose The Castilian. They’re the nicest and best option to the on campus dorms. You might not get into San Jac or Duran so be sure to know what the others are all about before making a decision.</p>