Have you ever (gasp) LIED in your SAT essay?

<p>Well the last SAT essay I wrote...I lied about my life experiences</p>

<p>I, for example, wrote that I saved my sibling's life at the beach, for my brother was drowning.</p>

<p>result, my essay went from an 8 to a 10</p>

<p>have any of you lied as well on the essay?</p>

<p>i lied and said i was in AP Italian and watched some movie…</p>

<p>which is false… really i just crashed my friends italian IV/******** class and watched some softcore italian porn…</p>

<p>got a 10 on the essay.</p>

<p>No… hate personal examples. </p>

<p>The CollegeBoard itself said that they don’t grade based on factual accuracy. So if they don’t look at historical/literary facts to determine score… they couldn’t care less about personal example accuracy. So don’t feel bad. It’s not a moral issue.</p>

<p>^^ i know that, but thats not what i’m concerned with</p>

<p>i’m just curious if others made stuff up, regardless of grade</p>

<p>Lied once, got a 10.</p>

<p>Left personal examples in the dust and used 3 Literary/Historical ones, got an 11 (should have been a 12…dam* the reader that gave me a 5 haha).</p>

<p>nope ahah. i am not good at lying</p>

<p>I’ve lied in both my SAT essays and have even lied about books/historical events.</p>

<p>I lie at school about my homework and why i skip classes …what about an essay ?
I got a 10.Lied about 2 personal experiences and a historical event.Do you think someone cares ?They read and grade your essay in less than a minute.</p>

<p>I don’t see a problem with making up fake experiences for an essay. </p>

<p>Think back to when you were a kid doing sentences for vocab words. Do you feel bad writing “My hair spontaneously combusted, but luckily I happened to be carrying a fire extinguisher” when that didn’t actually happen? For an essay whose sole purpose is to test your writing ability, making up life experiences is just a small extension of vocab sentences.</p>

<p>I morphed real events to conform to the prompt. I got a 12.</p>

<p>Well my entire essay was a complete lie. Heck, I even lied about what country I was from. </p>

<p>My main thesis was completely made-up and untrue, the protagonist was fictional, and even though I made it seem like a real event, everything was completely taken out of my fantasy. In order to match the essay prompt, I even made up a political party that doesn’t exist. I made up the events as I wrote, literally.</p>

<p>Score: 10 (international, non-native speaker)</p>

<p>I’ve never told the truth in an SAT essay.</p>

<p>I made up A. A. Milne’s entire life story. Got an 11. They really don’t care though! They’re not looking for accurate facts, they’re looking for good writing.</p>

<p>if the essay has to do with honesty, i start with this quote.</p>

<p>“I always tell the truth, even when I lie.”

  • Al Pacino as Tony Montana</p>

<p>i make p quotes, make up books, make up people and whatever up is makeupable</p>

<p>hahaha. i actually did, last time… the essay was about compromising, and for the personal example i wrote about a “situation” between myself and my best friend. we were three at the time, and we were fighting over her new cat, kibbles. haha.</p>

<p>i didn’t do too badly, though. i guess they were glad for the comic relief.</p>

<p>Don’t colleges get a copy of your SAT essay? That’s the only thing really holding me back from completely fabricating an example if I get stuck. The SAT essay is a poor measure of writing ability, and it only encourages us to do stuff like that (which I don’t consider immoral, since the essay is supposed to measure writing ability and nothing more).</p>

<p>I never lie. Mostly, I use historical examples and literary works. Supposedly, they don’t want to hear about your own personal experiences unless they’re really unique/tragic/intense, or at least, they don’t take you as seriously according to the Princeton Review… hahahaha.</p>

<p>@jamesford: As stipulated in the score report by College Board, only section score, score range and national percentile show up in the official score report and are seen by colleges. The other items are not.</p>

<p>Dude I said that I was a minority, orphan, and triple amputee in mine. Those were my three body paragraphs, actually (please don’t make a joke about “three” and “body.”) Got a 12. Try this.</p>