Have you ever lost/got stolen your graphing calculator?

<p>I have twice. Apparently I just realised that I didn't have it this week...and I though that I left it at home.</p>

<p>Sometimes I wish people could be more honest..and not steal things :P</p>

<p>I’ve lost my graphing calculator once and I almost panicked. Those things aren’t cheap. Luckily, my math teacher found it in his classroom and returned it to me the next day. We’re such nerds, talking about graphing calculators. =P</p>

<p>Lol, I lent out a graphing calculator to an acquaintance once… and never got it back.</p>

<p>I also left one at my SAT 2 testing site. :[</p>

<p>I’ve been running without a calculator for about 2.5 months now, and it’s not all that bad, despite having to borrow one for calc/physics.</p>

<p>The first time that I lost it, I went bizerk, starting paniking like crazy. This time, idk I’m sacred…I don’t think think that I can bring myself to telling my mom b/c she’d probably just tell me that just isn’t going to a.) buy me another one and to not count on her for another one and b.) no shopping at moa, and no new phone for me :(. But, later I’ll call up my sister and tell her if she can get a a $10 calc on ebay :)</p>

<p>I actually lost one once, and replaced it with a $20 ebay one. And last year I switched with someone early in the year without realizing it, lost his, he turned mine in, and then they found his in the back of the room, so it all worked out.</p>

<p>I haven’t, but all the other sophomores in my calc bc class have lost/broke at least two, one of my friends is on his sixth…</p>

<p>I lost my TI-89 after a practice AP Calc test… cuz we had to put the calculator under the seat, and I forgot to get it. boo</p>

<p>I haven’t lost mine, but a kid from my school did steal a whole bunch of calculators from other people, and teachers, and sold them on eBay. He’s become infamous at my school.</p>

<p>I lost one TI-84 calculator but since i ahd a ti-83 backup it was fine.</p>

<p>I lost mine. It sucked for about a week, then I got a new one.</p>

<p>I lost it once, then found it again after I bought a new one. Now I have two!</p>

<p>My friend’s was stolen at a sports practice when we were freshmen. Her “big present” for her birthday that year ended up being a new graphing calc…needless to say it was a sad birthday =(.</p>

<p>Some a**hole stole my TI-89 Titanium while I was giving blood at our school blood drive last year.</p>

<p>I was so very, very, very angry.</p>

<p>I lost mine last year. ): but I think someone stole it because I didn’t even use it that day and then the next day, it was gone. yes, getting it stolen sucks.
I got a new one, though! (:
but it’s so expensive for a calculator ):</p>

<p>i’ve never even used one o.O</p>



<p>you don’t belong on this forum.</p>

<p>When I had one for 7th grade algebra, I lost one and the other was taken. TI-83s should come with GPS dots.</p>

<p>@ from the south. WHAT?! Never used one? You’ve got to be kidding me…are you yanking my chain? C’mon, seriously.</p>

<p>9th grade - left it on the field
11th grade - left it in my french class. when i went back a few hours later to get it, it was not there and no one turned it in to the teacher. my name was written huge on each surface with white-out, but i still don’t know what happened to it. </p>

<p>then i bought a new one on ebay</p>

<p>no im serious we arent allowed to have them lol</p>