Have you guys been experiencing this too?

<p>So everybody at my school's working on applications and everybody's kinda stressed, including one of my friends. He knows I'm the kind of person to discuss race quite a bit, but now, every time he sees me he has to make backhanded comments that I'm black and because of this, I won't have any trouble with getting into a college. </p>

<p>This infuriates me because it feels like he's implying that I just sit on my butt and wait around for colleges to accept me. I'm not really angry at him, per se, but I am frustrated because it feels like he is discounting all of the work I've done during high school.</p>

<p>Has this ever happened to you?</p>

<p>This happened to me last year. One of my friends would say “I’m so worried about getting into college. Im a regular white girl, there is so many ppl like me applying…things will be easier for you since you’re black”. Tbh with you, I don’t think she meant it in a malicious way because I know her. </p>

<p>I just think there is a lot of ignorance out there about blacks and college admissions and I had to ignore it. When I got into our top state schools and nearly all of my white classmates did not, they tried to put it on race until I reminded them that affirmative action had been outlawed in my state for public schools. They didn’t have anything to say then. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>unfortunately this is what they believe, they have been drinking the kool-aid and it’s easier for them to justify why they don’t get their way…they probably say the same to asians, Indians and everyone who is non-white.</p>

<p>It’s common thinking. Ignore it for the most part. I always say use it as an advantage. People who underestimate their competition are always at a disadvantage. It can be a disadvantage though at times so sometimes you have to let folks know what you got going on to shut them up too. Pick your moments.</p>