Haven't Been Contacted for Interview? Should I be worried?

<p>All my other school interviews have come and gone...Harvard hasn't even e-mailed me about one. What should I do? Wait or pester the admissions?</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t given any kind of indication about an interview until mid-March. I got in. They haven’t forgotten about you; they’re just busy people, what with 29,000 people to worry about. It says nothing of your chances for admission.</p>

<p>Ditto for our son last year, who wasn’t contacted for an interview until mid-March. He was accepted to Harvard on the last day of March. I think how early the interview is scheduled is at least partially a function of where they have Harvard alumni readily available to conduct interviews.</p>

<p>You ought not to be concerned about the interview. The fact that you were offered one is tribute to the fact that they are sincerely interested in you as a candidate. As such, instead of being concerned, be happy!!! Your attitude will lighten the load for, both, you and the interviewer. …and WELCOME TO HARVARD!!!</p>

<p>^ What the…</p>

<p>My OP was talking about how I haven’t been offered one. But yeah, I just got a call today. Scariest thing ever.</p>

<p>The lady had the same last name (even though I’m Asian, it actually isn’t common the way I spell it) AND the same first 5 digits of my phone number and lives in the same city I do.</p>