<p>I have not heard from any of the CSU’s I applied to (SDSU, CPP, CP SLO). I’m really quite puzzled, because I had believed my stats to be above average. Is it possible that there’s some kind of snafu with my application file, or have I been rejected?</p>
<p>I applied Mech E
GPA 3.67
CSU GPA 4.2</p>
<p>ACTs 32 (34 Math, 33 Eng, 33 Reading, 27 Sci)
SAT I 770 CR, 750 W, and 620 Math</p>
<p>I was invited to CPP’s showcase of excellence, which I assume meant I was at least an above average candidate.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>I think mech E has the highest amount of applicants but you are above average except for SLO which you would be about average.</p>
<p>Same here, my bronco direct still says Impacted Plan, CSU Eligible. I am really scared because I have already seen people on here accepted into a impacted major.</p>
<p>Patience Grasshopper…</p>
<p>It’s not even March. You will know by April 1 for sure… but in all likelihood, maybe by mid March. My son just got accepted today to M Eng… so maybe soon.</p>
<p>NVM, YES! I just got accepted into chemical engineering, provisional admit.</p>
<p>I guess it is March… * head down *</p>
<p>@Annamal… they have 40,000 applicants trying to get 4,000 new student spaces. It takes time. Based on the few stats I’ve seen of those accepted, clearly being first to be accepted is not indicative of candidate’s stats… it’s probably more luck of the draw.</p>
<p>provisional admit!!! yay!!!</p>
<p>Congrats annamal1993! Where else did you apply?</p>
<p>my son also got provisional admit in his broncodirect. how about the kellogg honors college, does any body know how or when can we know result of application? Are Honors Fellowship scholarships only for California residents?</p>
<p>I applied to Cal Poly SLO, SDSU & a bunch of UCs.</p>
<p>I think honors college acceptances comes out in april, by mail. Good luck to your son!</p>
<p>annamal1993 thanks. goodluck to you too.</p>
<p>Before all of you get accepted, does it say “Academic Review” or does the admission status on BroncoDirect go straight from “Impacted Plan CSU Eligible” to Provisional Admit, or whatever it says?</p>
<p>I applied to Architecture and I’m STILL waiting. This is definitely my Number One top choice, so I’m hoping I’ll be getting in!</p>
<p>Also, did you guys get letters in the mail and e-mails saying you were accepted, or did you find out first through Bronco Direct? I literally login at least 10 times a day hoping the status will finally change!</p>
<p>Mine went from Impacted plan CSU eligible straight to provisional admit. Amd i got a email saying i was accepted a couple days later</p>
<p>Oh okay. Why can’t they just tell me whether I’m in or not yet??
I hope they tell me by March 9th because that’s when housing applications open up and I want to apply as early as possible so that I can get into a good room!
Well, congratulations to everyone that has been admitted so far</p>