**Haven't Recieved your Eli Account?** Look here

<p>I just got word back from Alfie Daniels- my regional rep. </p>

<p>Apparently they did a pretty good job about sending all the account starter info out- but a lot of times the letters either got lost, you didn't pay attention to them (My case- mine was in my college spam filling cabinet), or the e-mail got sent to spam/deleted.</p>

<p>How to fix this? Check your e-mail! Search for anything about Yale. If you don't create your Eli account with the starter key they send you in a certain period of time- an alert e-mail gets sent to you restating the information. According to the e-mail, it isn't sent again. So don't miss it!</p>


<p>In order to access this Status page, you will need to have an active Eli account. After receiving your application, the Undergraduate Admissions Office mailed you a PIN number and the instructions for setting up your Eli account. According to our records, you have not yet created your Eli account. In case you have not yet received our letter, or if you have lost the information required to set up your account, your PIN number and Eli Account ID are provided below. We encourage you to set up your account as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Please go to Online</a> Decisions and enter your PIN number and Eli Account ID. You will then be asked to create your own password. If you then go to the Undergraduate Admissions home page at Welcome</a> to Yale College, Office of Undergraduate Admissions and click on Application Status, you will use your Eli Account ID and your new password to check your application status.</p>

<p>Web Site:Online</a> Decisions
Your PIN:I<3C - C4EV - ER<3
Your Eli Account ID:m.lastname.2
Write the password you choose here: **************___________________________________</p>

<p><strong><em>Please do not lose this information or share it with anyone else. This is the only notification regarding your Eli account that you will receive. Please file this letter in a secure place.</em></strong></p>

<p>Please note that you will also need an active Eli account to receive your admissions decision online in early April.</p>

<p>Thank you for your interest in Yale! We wish you the best of luck with your plans for college.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Yale University</p>

<p>The email address I gave to my colleges forwards all mail to the account I actually use, so I should have two copies of anything that comes my way. For every college I’ve applied to, some sort of email has reached both accounts, except anything from Yale. There aren’t any filters that would designate Yale as spam, so I seriosuly believe I wasn’t sent an Eli account.</p>

<p>I want my Eli >.<</p>