Hey everyone! I thought I’d start a forum for prospective transfer to share stats, decision outcomes, and any questions.
College: The College of New Jersey
GPA: 3.90
Class: Junior - 64 credits
Major/Minor: Psychology (Clinical/Counseling) and Philosophy
Major GPA: 3.93
Minor GPA: 4.0
HS GPA: Around 85/100 (3 AP’s)
EC’s & Awards: REACH Lab Researcher, Academic Tutor -(Psychology, English, and Math), Research Assistant in Senior Honors Thesis, Psychology Student Advisory Board, Bonner Scholar, Psychology & Neuroscience Club, IAL Leader, Published Research in Journal of Student Scholarship, Hoffman Prize, Psi Chi Honors Society, and Dean’s List Student.
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Hey! I also applied. Hope we receive our decisions soon!!
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On your portal, does it now have an admissions and FA tab? that is if you applied for it
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Yes, it had those from the beginning. How about you?
It just popped up for me, which is sort of weird, but maybe not… an admissions officer said decisions will come out tomorrow or thursday
Hmm. Are your admissions and FA tabs the checklists?
That’s awesome! I was starting to think we’d have to wait till around the 15th.
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They are checklists with the documents they have received. I am very glad too, I really really hope it comes out tomorrow, even though I am fairly certain I will be denied.
Wait the portal just crashed
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Could that mean it comes out today?? Last year they heard around 530 pm
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Fingers crossed!! If not, I hope it comes out tomorrow. The wait is killing me.
My stats aren’t nearly as strong as yours. I think you have a good chance! Hopefully we both get in 
I hope it comes out tonight or tomorrow!! So exciting. Honestly admissions is tough for transfers so I expect absolutely nothing, best of luck to you!
the portal is down again… kinda sus, is it the same for you?
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same for me, i think that it is an indicator that sometime soon (e.g., within the next 24 hours) we will receive a decision
Really hope they release it tomorrow!
it is def coming out today but i am soooo nervous, even though I know I got rejected
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Me too!! do you think it’s 5:30 on the dot? 23% acceptance rate last year… but who know’s how many were full pay
last year it came out at 5:40 I think and the year before was 6:00 pm… it is 23% but they have a VERY small applicant pool and you gotta assume that more than a half of the students are qualified so it must be quite tough to get a spot… can I ask where else you applied??
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