Having a lopsided schedule senior year

At my school, we take 5 courses every term. My current schedule is:
(DE) Real Variables I
(DE) Intro to Geometry
(DE) Abstract Algebra 1 (independent study)
AP US History
Honors Research
So I have 3 math classes at a local university, a history course, and an “English” course. I’m taking a lot of math b/c that’s what I’ll be majoring in and I’ve already satisfied all other graduation requirements, so I figured why not. I’ve already done AP Euro, Lang, Lit, Chem, Physics, and Calc BC. The only other AP’s offered that I could take would be Bio and Spanish. I’m not doing Spanish b/c I personally loathe the subject, and I might actually be able to squeeze Bio in, but I have 2 AP sciences already, plus I thought that it might be over kill considering my other classes and the fact that I’ll have marching band going on as well.
Despite having fairly good reasons, I feel weird not taking any science or legitimate English classes. Will this be seen poorly by admissions people, or will they understand that I’ve (mostly) exhausted most other classes? I just feel taking any science or English electives would be mostly pointless since I’ve done 2 AP’s in both.

Okay, how many years of a foreign language have you taken? Typically the guidelines that most people I know follow (who are doing a college-prep track) is at least 4 years in each core subject (math, science, social science, english, foreign language) and in reality a lot of people exceed this with 5 in each area. I don’t think its necessarily a bad schedule. The math classes definitely show your passion and interest in the math area.

I’ve done 3 years of Spanish. I skipped AP last year due to scheduling conflicts, which would make it that much more difficult to do. I’ve taken the ‘equivalent’ of 4 years or more in English and Science already, which makes it more difficult to find any ‘legitimate’ classes in these areas.

I would honestly try to get a 4th year of Spanish. Other than that, everything else looks perfect.

Normally, I’d agree, but based upon earlier posts, it does not appear that he is targeting the tippy-top universities that suggest 4 years of a foreign language. I think it’s fine.

@skieurope Yeah I agree. I would try but I don’t think its 100% necessary either.