Having another panic attack

<p>Just noticed this at the Bama site, under the info for National Merit Semifinalist/Finalist scholarships:</p>

<p>“You must be admitted by December 1*** of your senior year in high school to be considered for this scholarship (this would include completing the application for admission as well as the scholarship application).” (emphasis added)</p>

<p>Gulp!! DS applied by the December 1 deadline (both applications mentioned above), but he wasn’t admitted by December 1. </p>

<p>Am I misreading the excerpt above? It sounds as if the student must be admitted by Dec. 1 in order to qualify for the NMSF/F deal.</p>


<p>Thanks in advance,</p>


<p>P.S. Didn’t know about UFE until just now, from this board. Waaaah, DS missed the eligibility cutoff by 10 points (1390 CR & W). Oh well…NMF scholarship is more than adequate. We won’t get greedy, LOL!</p>

<p>^^^I just spoke with Betsy in the scholarship office and she said you should call her asap on her direct line at 205-348-8190 and she’ll take care of you.</p>

<p>LadyD: I was worried about that too b/c D wasn’t “admitted” until 12/3 or something like that. But, I called Bama’s admissions office and they confirmed that the date of admission relates back to date of application. Didn’t he get letters with the NMSF offer already? </p>

<p>Also learned that when our kids are notified of Finalist status, that information needs to shared with Scholarship office so they can upgrade the scholarship to NMF deal.</p>

<p>And make sure when your kids become NMF that you officially select UA as their #1 choice if you wish to receive the free laptop computer, which, by the way, is a beefy business-worthy piece of hardware, loaded with school-appropriate software, not a cheap, flimsy piece of plastic.</p>

<p>THANK YOU!! Thank you, thank you. Y’all are the BEST.</p>

<p>I called Betsy and left a rambling, incoherent voice-mail, LOL. (I’m sure that made a great impression, LOL.) Will try calling her again after lunch.</p>

<p>@mommylaw–We didn’t receive an NMSF letter. Bama got mixed up and forgot that DS was an NMSF. So, instead, we got a letter stating that DS qualified for two-thirds-OOS-tuition scholarship (because his SAT CR & W composite was ten points shy of the 1400 required for full tuition). I emailed Betsy to remind her that DS was an NMSF. She very graciously said she would rectify the boo-boo. She verified that he did indeed qualify for the NMSF deal. We have not yet received a snail-mail letter confirming this, but I’m trying not to panic!! :)</p>

<p>Thanks, all!!</p>

<p>NMFs do NOT have to be admitted by Dec 1st to get the scholarship.</p>

<p>Bama wants as many NMFs as possible. TimeFlew’s D didn’t even apply until spring of last year. LOL </p>

<p>Everytime I contacted Carolyn Rogers last year about scholarships for late applicants, she clearly stated that NMFs are not held to the Dec 1 deadline…at all.</p>

<p>As for other scholarship winners…they don’t have to be accepted by Dec 1st either. They were supposed to APPLY by Dec 1st…but were given an extension because of T-giving break.</p>

<p>So…don’t worry!!!</p>

<p>Any NMSF that wants to apply NOW, can get the scholarship.</p>

<p>(I have NO IDEA why it says that on the website…clearly it’s wrong).</p>

<p>Thanks, mom2collegekids. Sorry I’m such a worry-wart. :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>Oh BTW–DS apparently has an email account at Bama now, but we can’t figure out how to access it. Does anyone know the link one goes to, in order to access one’s email account?</p>


<p>he needs to log on to MyBama (he set that up to submit scholarship app)</p>

<p>Then, look at the upper right icons. There should be a Crimson email icon. click on that.</p>



<p>. . . at mybama.ua.edu</p>

<p>Thanks!!! Finally found it. It said “Crimson” rather than “Email”–and the word “Crimson” covered the little letter icon. Somebody at UA needs to read Don’t Make Me Think, the Bible of Web Usability. I never in a million years would have figured that “Crimson” meant “Email,” LOL!</p>



<p>A scholarship worth $120,000 (give or take a few grand, depending upon the vagaries of tuition/housing hikes) is something worth worrying about.</p>



<p>Particularly when all the real work has been done by the student and all you have to do is APPLY… And they wonder why we keep after them as parents…;-)</p>

<p>Hey, folks, any departmental scholarships for History majors? Should they try to apply even if they are a little late? I know they awarded them for Engineering.</p>