HCEC Interview

<p>Anyone go through the HCEC interview and like to share their experience? How was it? What did you talk about?
Any tips for the HCEC interview?
What are some questions that I should expect to answer?

<p>My interview was pretty laid back. I met with an emeritus prof in the AEM dept. He asked the obvious questions like “why do you want to be a doc?” He asked about my research, my activities at Cornell and my childhood since my personal statement was focused on it. He also asked me about my stance in issues like abortion and assisted suicide.</p>

<p>Overall: brush up on your hcec app materials, read up on ethical issues, dress nicely and just be yourself!</p>

<p>It’s like a typical med school interview and you can be asked about any facet of your application. My HCEC interviewer actually asked some controversial questions (my stance on abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, etc.) just to see if I’ve thought about them. But, it’s unlikely you’ll be asked about those subjects at a med school interview.</p>

<p>What are your stances on abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research?</p>

<p>dress up for HCEC? =( didn’t know it was so formal. does HCEC ever write a negative rec? (in case you mess up the interview)</p>

<p>Well…don’t wear jeans to your interview. A dress shirt and dress pants/skirt (for the ladies) is fine.</p>

<p>HCEC’s goal is to get you into med school. They will find everything that is good about you in order to write a good letter. Although I’m sure they could refuse to write a letter if you’re an awful person.</p>

<p>I think you should treat the HCEC interview exactly the same as a regular interview. It’s meant to be a practice interview as well as a chance for the HCEC letter writer to get to know you. So, that means you should be in a suit and tie.</p>

<p>Good point, norcalguy. </p>

<p>I just went with slacks and a dress shirt because I didn’t have a suit at that point and wasn’t prepared to drop money on one…as was the situation for most of my friends at that time.</p>

<p>^I think that’s okay for the HCEC interview since you won’t be marked down for it like you would at a real interview. But, if you have a suit, there’s no reason not to wear it to the HCEC interview.</p>

<p>Oh I agree completely :)</p>