head soccer coach wants me to apply

<p>I received an email from him asking if I was going to apply and welcoming me to Caltech and the soccer program. The thing is I'm not a recruited athlete or an amazing player. Is this a mass mailing or the real deal? Anyone else receive this email?</p>

<p>To be honest, there is no such thing as the “real deal”. We don’t athletically recruit, and Rolo (I’m on the soccer team, it’s our coach’s nickname) wanting you to play soccer for us will have no effect on your chances of being admitted. Last time I checked, coaches had no effect on who gets admitted or not, though a few have certainly tried. Our teams are Division III, and no cut, for the most part. You join the soccer team just by signing up and showing up.</p>

<p>You should apply to Caltech to go to Caltech, not to play soccer. That said, I think playing on the soccer team has been a lot of fun, even if we rarely win.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response Dauntless. I too am in soccer for the fun and don’t get caught up over winning so that is not a problem. Just out of curiousity, do you think he actually knows who I am or was the email a totally random form letter? I know I somehow am on the caltech mailing list and receive emails from them constantly (as I’m sure they send to almost all seniors) but have never responded, visited campus, or shown interest. But this was the first time, an individual outside of admissions emailed me, and I wouldn’t think Rolo would be sending emails saying such things to the whole mailing list (maybe I’m wrong). I actually didn’t even play soccer this season; I did another sport instead. </p>

<p>I realize this means little to nothing in terms of admission. Neither would it be the reason I decided to apply. I just found the email somewhat odd given the fact I didn’t even play this year. If anyone else received a similar email, please post.</p>

<p>I received a similar letter (in the mail) from other schools about Football. Found out a freind of mine who was not even playing this year did too. I think they must get it from an interest inventory or from the groups that keep track of scholar athletes. I think the letter may mean that they saw some scholastic score that puts you in the running for being admitted (high SAT II, ACT, GPA etc), then these schools are not known for their sports so if you want to try out for the team, making the team may not be that big of a reach.</p>