<p>But seriously, all spelling mistakes aside, what do you guys think?</p>
<p>consider some of the top liberal arts colleges like Amherst, Williams, maybe Pomona</p>
<p>well endowed small schools like these give very generous financial aid packages to first generation college students and are working very hard to increase minority enrollment. some of them also have summer science prep programs specifically geared for incoming minority students. If you are considering med school all have great track records for placement, in many cases better than the larger ivies since the lack of grad programs means lots of research opportunities for undergrads and close relationships with the profs who will later be writing your rec letters.</p>
<p>How about Dartmouth? It doesn't have a pre-med program persay, but it does have a pre-medical "track", which is pretty much the same thing and I'm not sure why it's different. Also, they've got the Dartmouth Med School, which is really well known.
It's a small Ivy out in the middle of nowhere, but because of its size and location, it has a really tight-knit community. Great students, and top of the line undergraduate program. Unlike the other schools, Dartmouth is very undergraduate focused so there's a lot more chances for you to do research.</p>
<p>your stats seem very good (maybe a 700+ in SAT 1 math would've been better, but it's still OK)
your ECs look good. if you volunteer at a church, try and get a recommendation from there. It'll help.
overall, your financial circumstances, the fact that you're going to be a first gen. college student, and your academic position put you in a very good position to get into an ivy.
this might surprise you, but because harvard is need blind, you might have a better chance there than at hopkins!
best of luck!</p>
<p>Pomona is known to be among the strongest with financial aid, and is very focused on attracting more first-generation college students (there were many this year)</p>
<p>I've never really considered a lot of these schools. Thanks for the information, guys.</p>
<p>taemi, </p>
<p>About the recommendation at the church - I attend the Spanish mass, so if I was to get a recommendation, it would more than likely be in Spanish. I'm really not sure if it would help.</p>
<p>not bad don't stress retaking the sats again u sats are awesome unlike mine hey u should give an advice on how u got gud sats pls cause am aiming for columbia. aim higher always</p>
<p>I guess you can just take as many practices as you can and try to learn as many big words as possible. I never really figured out the math, though.</p>
<p>But my SATs really aren't all that great, so you might want to ask somebody else.</p>
<p>Anyone else have anything to say?</p>