Health classes considered BCPM???

<p>Hello, I am studying to be a medical technicans and I am currently taking alot of classes from the health science center. I was wondering if they are considered BCPM classes</p>


Introd to biochemistry
Clinical Biochemistry
and etc.</p>

<p>I don't know where to put them because they are all under the Health Science center and the AMCAS have a section for Health Science.</p>

<p>I asked because I finished all my pre med requirement freshman and sophmore year. </p>

<p>I am only taking health science classes for junior and senior year.</p>

<p>Thank You</p>

<p>generally no, they will not count</p>

<p>I bet you can get microbio, physio, and biochem to count. Something like phlebotomy, no.</p>

<p>From my experience, AMCAS determinations are driven more by department than by subject matter. In that case, no -- they will not count.</p>

<p>how about a class like neuroscience that is classified as a science at the school but is still in say, psych.</p>

<p>From my experience, AMCAS determinations are driven more by department than by subject matter. In that case, no -- it will not count.</p>

<p>hmm.... in that case, I have no BCPM for my junior and senior year :) uh oh</p>