Health Professional Mentoring Program 2024

How many people are in the program each year?

  • How many MAKE it in the med school?
  • How difficult and rigorous is it to manage the HPM activities?
    -Is the program in itself difficult, or Is it just as difficult as any Miami pre-med student would have it?
  • How often do students in the program drop out, either because they didn’t maintain the GPA or get the min MCAT score?
    -Are there any other reasons HPM students don’t matriculate?

@mparis When did u receive the notification of your acceptance into HPM?

Past few years, each year there are about 30 students getting accepted to HPM. Old BSMD got canned because students, though brilliant test takers, goofed too much in those three years, most had little clinical exposure, going into medical school phase was a crap shoot, some good, some really bad. Ergo, Program got canned.

HPM had in existence the past 7-8 years now, first few years were transformative, not much data to show whether is is really worth it vs other BSMD assured program.

But it is now very matured, student data consistent year after year. Students are required to have clinical exposure from the get go. Most got that at that shiny Lennar Health Center on campus for their clinical exposure. GPA is not an issue. 5-6 students will drop out of premed, because they are not interested in medicine. The other 24-25 students will be invited for intramural (not open to other school) Medical Scholar Program MSP (some call it Medical Scholar, some call it Miller Scholar, eitherway MSP) at end of their sophomore year. 8-9 (1/3 of this group) will be chosen, have one year to take MCAT score 512. Program will pay Kaplan prep course fee. Pretty much everyone got past 512, start first year UM medical school their senior year. Of those 15-16 (2/3 of HPM) not chosen, 12-13 will end up in UM after 4 years. The other 2-3 left over will end up at other medical school.

No major requirement, you do not have to be in Prism, Da Vinci, or any other program. But being a Foote scholar will make your classes scheduling much easier. You can major in any thing, but top three are bio, health science, microbio. I personally will choose Econ, just to be fun and have more real life application later.

So if you got into HPM, your chance of going to medical school is very, very, very good. Compared to national average of 40% and UF’s 45%.

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Do you know if HPM sends letters to everyone who applies or just accepted I’m so nervous

No mention in RD admission letter…also waiting for HPM decision

I just got in


Did it come as a separate letter?

Yes it was in a portal update

Thank you for your response. I have no decision regarding hpm… will have to contact admissions. Congrats again!

Congratulations to those who got in! I’m hoping to apply in the future and I was wondering if anyone could share their stats and ecs or the reason why they believe they got accepted into HPM ?

Hi ,
We are in process of choosing BU vs USc Vs UMIAMI HPM for my S. Your input really changed our perception. Are you by any chance did this program?