Health Sciences?

<p>Looking for a middle-size to big-size university that has a good/excellent Health Science department. Selectivity can mirror that of Boston University, a notch below or above is fine. PSAT was 209, SAT will probably be around that number. It can't be isolated. </p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Georgetown and Penn both have great health science colleges.</p>

<p>Considering Georgetown, Penn might be out of my reach though. Thanks </p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

Stony Brook</p>

<p>can you share some more info/criteria?</p>

<p>My parents will not let me go far away, so it has to be on the East Coast, preferably NE. I want a lot of opportunities to gain experience - internships, etc., so it is best if the college is in a city. I don't want any of that tight-knit LAC environment stuff - not for me. It is preferable that the college has a gender balance, as well as a balance of academics and partying. At first I wanted to do only pharmacy, but seeing how there are so few colleges with the major, I decided to expand my horizons a bit to all the programs in the field of Health Sciences. Particularly attractive right now is NEU, with its Pathways program, in which I major as "undecided" within the colleg of Health Sciences. I didn't really want to post my stats since they are not particularly impressive nor have I taken the SATs, but just to give a rough idea:
According to practice tests, my math and verbal are in the high 600's and writing is mid-750's. My average is 91.7, with an okay workload. I play three varsity sports, go to an elite science-oriented school, and am a Russian immigrant; I am taking both Russian and Spanish, am currently the secretary of Russian Club and will be president next year. During the summer, I am thinking of doing either an internship at a Healthcare Center or taking a biology class for credit at CUNY-Hunter. </p>

<p>Which schools should I be looking at? Any suggestions are welcome :)</p>

<p>Georgetown and Penn would actually be good reaches for you. Northeastern would be shooting a bit low, in my opinion.</p>

<p>Um are there any hopes/chances of your being recruited due to sports?</p>

<p>I definitely will not be recruited - simply not good enough. The sports are all track by the way, but since I do all three seasons, the commitment level is the same as it would be if I were to have 3 different sports. Not as interesting or unique as playing 3 different sports, I realize, but I grew to love the sport and it will come through in my counselor rec/interview/essay. </p>

<p>So I really have a half-chance at Gtown? whee
I tend to aim slightly low so as to not set myself up for a dissappointment.
My counselor explicitly told me I need reaches heh </p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the suggestions, keep them coming</p>

<p>You might want to look at the University of Rochester.</p>