Yea, the doctor did mention it is good to spread out during the day.
I now do my Centrum (300mg calcium) at begging of day. I’ve moved calcium supplements to evening, typically more fat then for absorbtion. At night I take two 300 -mg supplements… but sometimes back off to one if I see in MyNetDiary food log totals that I’m past 1200 mg total (food+suppment)
I checking on multi-day report from MyNetDiary app. For past 3 month, I’ve averaged about 500mg/day Calcium from food sources. Much is from dairy, but some from non-dairy sources too.
I continue to do supplemental Calcium (300mg/day from Centrum, 630mg/day from 2 tablets calcium citrate + D3. That puts me well over the 1000 to 1200 mg needed. I’ve considered doing just 1 tablet calcium but have so far decided extra is probably ok (mom has osteoporosis) .
The most surprising small source of non-dairy calcium has been CHIA SEEDS…70mg calcium per tablespoon (and also 3g protein and 4g fiber). I’ve found that Chia seeds are good with oatmeal, yogurt, salad or avocado toast.
. Suggested online sources for CHIA SEEDS? Ideally it would have free shipping (I do have Amazon prime).
I might consider a trip into Whole Foods or VItamin cottage. But I’ve hardly been in a real grocery store in months… I fear I might be like Robin Williams Russian character who visits a US grocery store in “Moscow on the Hudson”, crazed by the options in the coffee aisle.
I decided to do an online order from the local Whole Foods for chia seeds, Adora calcium supplements recommended above and a few other things. It’s the first time I’ve done online order from Whole Foods , and actually have not shopped there much in person.
When I first learned about Adora, there were complaints about them being old/stale on Amazon. (Not sure how much of a risk that really is). So I’ve been buying at in person at Whole Foods or Natural Grocery.
I used to eat Adora all the time. I stopped b/c they were so good I was eating more than I should = fattening. That was just me though, LOL. Very tasty!
LOL. Normally I’m not so good at snacking self control. But I have diligently followed my “no more than one Adora per day” rule (for reasons of calories and sugar). And I don’t have one every day. I’m more likely to grab one if in the evening I see calcium total is low.
Although I don’t log my daily vitamin and calcium tablets in MyNetDiary food log, I do enter the Adora in “snacks” category.