Hear Me Out - I Really Need Your Help.

HEAR ME OUT- I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! My ACT Score Went Down! What Should I Do? PLEASE Help!

I’ve taken the ACT three times. Scores are as follows:

  1. April 2015: 23 Composite (English 28, Mathematics 19, Reading 26, Science 20)
  2. September 2015: 24 Composite, 24 Writing (English 33, Mathematics 17, Reading 24, Science 22)
  3. December 2015: 23 Composite, 20 Writing (English 31, Mathematics 16, Reading 24, Science 22)

My score dropped one point! I did not study in-between the Sep and Dec tests, regretfully. Should I bother taking it again, or maybe try the SAT? I HAVE to get at least a 26 ACT or 1850 SAT to get into the school I’m committed to play soccer at. Any advice on how to raise this score?

ANY help would be so appreciated! I’m desperate!

Try the SAT. And study this time – if these minimum scores are so important to your admission, why didn’t you prepare for them?

Thanks for you reply! Really appreciate it ! I studied SO HARD before my first test, and in between my second and third test. Real ACT prep guide, Princeton review 1,296 practice questions, Youtube videos, you name it… I’ve done plenty of preparing. I just didn’t study between the second and third administration. So you think I should give up on the ACT completely and just aim for SAT? Any tips on how to study for SAT? Thanks!

I mean, if you think you can prepare really hard and hit your target score for this next one, it may be worth it to take the ACT one more time. However, you’ve already taken it three times, with a downward trend in math – it may be that you’ve hit a plateau. Maybe try an SAT practice test under testing conditions (timed, etc.) and see if your score is closer to 1850 than your ACT is to 26?

Thanks! Do you know where I can find a practice test?

Here’s some for the new SAT, which is first implemented in March. Hopefully you’re a junior right now, so there’s no time pressure?

I’m actually a senior, I signed up for Jan SAT. The school I am applying to has a really late deadline… in June.

Oh okay, January SAT is still the old one then: https://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-practice-test

At least you do have several months! Good luck.

Thanks so much for your help!! I really appreciate it!!

You shouldn’t apply to just one university, unless your parents can pay out of pocket, without any loans… or unless you can easily attend a community college.

@MYOS1634 Thanks so much for your response! I’m not applying to one university (just in case), but I need to get into this one because I’m committed to play soccer there. But its D3 so its not like D1 or D2 where I’m assured admission. My parents are paying out of pocket. I won’t be receiving any financial aid unfortunately because my dad makes more than $250K a year. But that won’t make me more likely to be accepted will it?

Yes it does! :slight_smile:
But not to the point that if their average is 27, you’ll get in.
I would try the January SAT and see what happens. A huge difference with the ACT is that English and Reading are mixed together into one section (“Critical Reading”); another huge difference is that you can’t guess and bubble in freely, you lose points by bubbling in the wrong answer; math is slightly easier content-wise, but worded “weird”, kind of like in a puzzle; finally, there’s no science section. So it may well be you’d do better on the SAT.

Thanks, really appreciate it. Do you think it will help that I’m committed to play soccer there?

Yes. Being committed to soccer + being full pay/near full pay will definitely help you! But you do need to increase that score a bit.
(thank your parents for this amazing gifts as well as your good luck that your parents are upper middle class and plan on passing it forward…)

I bet you’ve tapped out in terms of the improvement you can expect. Don’t make a career out of college admissions tests. Not everyone will get ACTs in the 30s regardless of how hard they try.