Hecht, Sanford or Eaton as Freshman? Pros, Cons. Whys, why nots?

<p>I just paid my housing deposit. In a perfect world, I would like a single, with a bathroom to myself. OTOH, while I work hard, I am also social. The application was a bit strange: (i.e. Substance free floor, immunization shots). I have read where Sanford is more of a party dorm and Hecht is more studious, or vice versa. Eaton, OTOH, is centrally located, but smaller than H/S. I wondering whether I am doing myself an injustice by requesting a single as a freshman? I don't think so, because it is a large school, and I'm sure that I will make friends.
Please post experiences with all three dorms. Include thoughts on P/M, as well. I would like as much input as possible (although, it is probably beyond my control, regardless).</p>

<p>I live on Stanford RT 7 and love it here. Some things to consider about freshman housing: while living in a single has definite benefits (privacy, ability to control AC, ability to sleep whenever, no worry about music or tv), I would suggest rooming with someone freshman year. Having a roommate provides a quick automatic friend on during orientation and the first couple days of school. You can use room surf or other such websites to find a roommate with whom you are compatible. Also, splitting a room means you that you don’t have furnish the room by yourself. I brought a microwave and futon while my roommate brought a mini fridge and TV.
As for which Res college is better, that question is very subjective. I am inclined to say that Stanford is better but that is partially just because I live here. Some pros to living in Stanford are:
-slightly closer to classes
-there is a covered walkway from the lobby to the Hecht/Stanford dining hall
-Stanford has music practice rooms</p>

<p>I sure someone will have similar comments about Hecht so if you have the chance, I would suggest you visit both res colleges and make a decision.</p>

<p>As a freshman I would not want to be in Eaton because I feel that it would be hard to bond with the rest of your class. You wouldn’t be a part of the Stanford/Hecht rivalry during sportsfest and you might miss some of the res college events that are hosted by Stanford and Hecht. Again these are personal opinions and you should weigh the pros and cons of each res college before making a decision.</p>

<p>Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want to talk.</p>

<p>Thanks for the good remarks. …Guess I omitted the “t”…twice! If I were a guy, or perhaps someone else, I would want to reside in H/S. But, I definitely think that I would like a private/semi-private bathroom, and a tub would be an added bonus. I don’t mind showering with the girls at the gym, but I cherish those private times. Also, I make friends, easily, and would love to be able to choose my friends, rather than have them thrust upon me. This (along with many other factors), is one of the reason that I would lean towards the []_[], as opposed to say, a NESCAC school.</p>