Hecht vs. Stanford

<p>I think we're all dying to know; are there any distinct differences in the "quality of life" at either dorm? :3</p>

<p>I live in Stanford as a freshman. Hecht has a nicer lobby, but their aren’t any significant differences. Stanford is closer to the dining hall and intramural fields which can be nice.</p>

<p>My son is in Hecht. He doesn’t think there is a significant difference, even though Hecht has a party reputation. Difference in distance to dining hall is negligible.</p>

<p>This debate comes up every year. If you do a search you can find old posts. Both buildings are great…sign up as early as possible because they will fill up and then extra freshman are put in the upperclassman dorms which is not as ideal. Just don’t wait until the deadline if you can help it. Welcome to the U!</p>

<p>I was in Hecht, and I always thought it was better due to the fact they have a working set of elevators and a nicer lobby. But in all reality, it is what you make of it. I have friends who were partiers in Stanford and friends who were studious in Hecht, so the traditional stereotypes don’t really mean much in the end.</p>