Hello and Thanks!

Hello all! My D (is it D16 or D20??) has made her decision to attend UA in the fall, and I am finally jumping in to join the conversation. During the college application and waiting process I read many, many, many threads on this forum and want to say THANK YOU to the regular posters, who take the time to post and provide so much insight and information.

Some info: D will be in the College of Engineering, Honors College, and STEM MBA program. Applied 8/11, accepted 9/11, attending on a UA Scholars scholarship w/ engineering supplement. She is OOS, and we visited in October, through a tour set up through the Honors College (thanks, @mom2collegekids, for the contact info for Susan Dendy). She had many other great options but ultimately chose Alabama as the best overall fit for her, and she is so excited for the fall!

I look forward to participating in the discussion, and will have lots more questions, as this is my first heading off to college! Off to start a new thread with a sorority recruitment question . . .

Hello, @Texas1626. My DS will also be attending UA starting this fall on the UA National Merit scholarship. He will be in the College of Engineering, Honors College, and STEM MBA program as well!! DS is our oldest, so this is our first experience sending a child off to college as well. DS is also OOS. I, too, have greatly appreciated all of the wonderful information on CC!! Glad to have you join the discussion!!!



Congratulations and Welcome to the new students and parents!!

Welcome! Roll Tide! Hope you have also joined the Facebook pages.

Thanks - I do intend to join the pages.